Jimmy Akin Resources

Jimmy Akin Resources

Jimmy Akin is an internationally known author and speaker. As a senior apologist at Catholic Answers, he has more than twenty-five years of experience defending and explaining the Faith. Jimmy is a convert to the Faith and has an extensive background in the Bible, theology, the Church Fathers, philosophy, canon law, and liturgy. Jimmy is a weekly guest on the national radio program Catholic Answers Live, a regular contributor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a popular blogger and podcaster. Check out his best-selling Catholic book The Bible Is a Catholic Book.

  • here are two universal themes in human experience: 1) We all seek true, lasting happiness, and 2) We have trouble finding it, because the world is a messed-up place.

In times of turmoil, when nothing seems normal or certain about our jobs, our health, our beliefs, or the future of our planet, true happiness—and the tranquil peace that comes with it—can seem even more elusive.

In The Words of Eternal Life, Jimmy Akin takes an unflinching look at the problem and offers a solution that is daring and radical yet familiar, and available anywhere, for free, right now. The answer is Jesus, the Word of the Father who teaches us the words of eternal life; the Word made flesh who by the words of a priest comes to dwell among us and feed us with the grace of peace and strength.

Written in a clear, inviting style that speaks equally to religiously unaffiliated inquirers and to believers who may have let their faith get lukewarm or go out of practice, The Words of Eternal Life is a great resource to give loved ones looking for something real and true—or to give your own faith life a helpful boost.

    Words of Eternal Life (Digital)

    Catholic Answers Press

    There are two universal themes in human experience: 1) We all seek true, lasting happiness, and 2) We have trouble finding it, because the world is a messed-up place. In times of turmoil, when nothing seems normal or certain about our jobs, our health,...
  • Discover lasting happiness in turbulent times with "The Words of Eternal Life" by Jimmy Akin—a radical yet familiar solution found in Jesus. Jimmy Akin explores finding true peace amidst life's uncertainties in "The Words of Eternal Life," offering hope and clarity.

    Words of Eternal Life

    Catholic Answers Press

    There are two universal themes in human experience: 1) We all seek true, lasting happiness, and 2) We have trouble finding it, because the world is a messed-up place. In times of turmoil, when nothing seems normal or certain about our jobs, our health,...
  • Unlock the mysteries of the Old Testament with 20 Answers: The Old Testament from Catholic Answers. Discover the relevance of the Old Testament today with 20 Answers: The Old Testament.

    20 Answers: The Old Testament

    Catholic Answers Press

    The Ancient Foundation of Our Faith What kinds of books are in the Old Testament? Do the laws of the Old Testament still apply to us today? Who were some of its important priests, prophets, kings, and other major figures? Now that we have the New...
  • Navigate translation challenges, copyist errors, and literary genres with confidence using 20 Answers: Bible Difficulties. Discover common Bible interpretation pitfalls and how to overcome them with 20 Answers: Bible Difficulties.

    20 Answers: Bible Difficulties

    Catholic Answers Press

    Scriptural Head-Scratchers What are the two basic interpretation problems we encounter when we read the Bible? How can we deal with difficulties arising from translation differences, copyist errors, and varying literary genres? Can we really say the...
  • Mass Revision (Digital)

    Mass Revision (Digital)

    Catholic Answers Press

    Mass Revision is the best-seller from award-winning author Jimmy Akin. As always, Jimmy goes straight to the heart of the issue and cuts through the distortions that have surrounded the liturgy. He quotes the Church’s own documents so you can see...
  • Uncover why God sent prophets and how their messages still resonate today. Understand prophetic messages without confusion, through ancient Church wisdom.

    20 Answers: Bible Prophecy

    Catholic Answers Press

    God Speaks to His People Why did God employ prophets in Scripture? How can we interpret symbolic biblical prophecies and recognize their fulfillment? Who were the major and minor prophets of the Old Testament, and what were their basic messages? What...
  • 20 Answers: Salvation will help you understand the Catholic view on Salvation, Justification, Penance, and much, much more.

    20 Answers: Salvation

    Catholic Answers Press

    What Must I Do To Be Saved? How should we understand the key concepts connected with salvation? Why did Jesus die on the cross? What are “works of the law”? Is there salvation outside the Church? In this booklet you’ll find...