
20 Answers Booklets

20 Answers Booklets


Little Books, Big Answers!

The best-selling 20 Answers series offers concise information on the most important topics facing the Catholic Church and the world.   Simply, the best buy for any Catholic.

"A simply, easy read that can put any Catholic in a ready position to defend the Faith." -Charles W.

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    With the modern hunger for spirituality created by the vacuum of declining religious belief, Western interest in the so-called New Age is stronger than ever. Whether its ideas are ancient and mystical as its promoters believe or just leftovers from hokey novelties from the sixties, they’re finding millions of devotees today—leading Christians away from revealed truth and potentially even opening the door to demonic influence. 20 Answers: The New Age explains the roots and substance of New Age beliefs and contrasts them with Catholic teaching, showing you how to protect yourself and your family from their seductive errors.

    20 Answers: New Age

    Catholic Answers Press

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    What is the New Age movement all about? How have New Age beliefs infiltrated our popular culture? What are the Church’s warnings about the spiritual dangers of New Age ideas? How should a Catholic approach things like “mindfulness,”...
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    Perhaps no single theological issue divides Catholics and Protestants, and along so many fine lines, as the question of salvation: namely, are we saved solely by profession of our faith in Jesus, or do our actions (and omissions) play a part? Is it enough to commit ourselves interiorly to Christ, or do we need things like sacraments, sacrifices, and acts of love, too? 20 Answers: Faith & Works gives a short and clearly readable explanation of the basic disagreements, provides a compelling case for the traditional Christian understanding that the Catholic Church professes even today, and holds out hope for increasing unity among all believers on this critical issue.

    20 Answers: Faith & Works

    Catholic Answers Press

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    Does the Bible say we’re saved by faith alone? Is there a difference between justification and sanctification? How do Catholics understand the cooperative roles of faith and works in our salvation? If Christ’s death on the cross was enough to...
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    When Jesus inaugurated his kingdom on earth, he taught us to bring heavenly principles to it. And so, for millennia the Catholic Church has contemplated how Christ’s teachings should be applied to society. 20 Answers: Catholic Social Teaching offers a useful introduction to this often misunderstood topic. It explains how Catholic doctrine affects government, economics, the family, war and peace, basic human rights, and interpersonal justice. Just as important, it lays out where this Catholic approach binds us to necessary principles and conclusions and where there is considerable freedom for disagreement.

    20 Answers: Catholic Social Teaching

    Catholic Answers Press

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    Where is “Catholic social teaching” found, anyway? Are all aspects of Catholic social teaching equal important, or can we rank them? Does the Church tell me how I should vote, or what the best economic or political system is? How does the...
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    Prayer is the Christian’s source of strength and peace, a channel of grace, a medium of joy and consolation. By it we open our minds to the One who made us and loves us, to give him praise and thanks and to tell him our needs. And we also open our hearts to him, asking him for wisdom and direction in our life. But prayer doesn’t always come easily, especially when we have questions about how or why we should do it. 20 Answers: Prayer addresses some of the most common questions, giving you profitable understanding of what prayer is, strategies for praying more often in a busy day, and ways to advance in prayer toward its goal: deeper, more loving communion with God.

    20 Answers: Prayer

    Catholic Answers Press

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    Ascending in Hope What are the different kinds of prayer? I prayed for something and God didn’t grant it. Why? Doesn’t the Bible condemn repetitious prayers like the rosary? Why do I have to say traditional prayers in a church instead of just...
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    We believe that God is one, and so is his truth. The mysteries he has revealed to the world, the teachings that his Church professes and safeguards, and the conclusions that we reach by the light of natural reason all harmonize and enrich each other. But in a world skeptical of faith and often too clouded by sentiment and sin to wield reason, it can seem that religious truth and rational truth must be enemies—or at least from different worlds. 20 Answers: Faith and Reason shows you how to restore the unity of truth that is our only basis for living a coherent life of the mind and of the soul, helping you tackle both secular skeptics and your own nagging doubts.

    20 Answers: Faith & Reason

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
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    Reconciling All Truth Is faith reasonable? What can we know about God through reason alone? How can we make sense of Christian beliefs that seem to defy logic and science? What can I say to people who claim that the God of the Bible is cruel and...
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    The rich history and theological, liturgical, and artistic traditions of the twenty-three Eastern Catholic churches are such an indispensable part of the global Catholic communion that, along with the Latin West, these churches are said to form one of the two “lungs” by which the Church breathes and lives. Yet even though Pope St. John Paul II called on the faithful to appreciate the treasures of the Christian East, far too many Catholics remain ignorant of them. 20 Answers: Eastern Catholicism provides an invaluable primer, explaining the origins of the Eastern Catholic churches and how they fit into the one Church of Christ, their distinctive prayers and practices, and some of the common misunderstandings and controversies that even today can cause unnecessary division and confusion.

    20 Answers: Eastern Catholicism

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
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    The Church’s Other Lung Do Eastern Catholics follow the pope? What is it like to visit and worship at an Eastern Catholic parish? How can there be many different “churches” in the one Catholic Church? What are some aspects of Eastern...
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    God’s inspired word about the life, mission, and legacy of his Son is a repository of revealed Christian truth; a worthy object of lifelong reflection and prayerful reverence. Yet many Catholics, out of doubt or confusion about its contents, fail to profit from its rich wisdom. 20 Answers: The New Testament makes the Christian scriptures accessible and alive like never before, with easy-to-understand introductions to the New Testament’s books, authors, teachings, and historical background. You’ll come away with a fresh enthusiasm for reading the Bible—and a deeper love for Jesus.

    20 Answers: The New Testament

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
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    The Story of a New Covenant How did the New Testament come to be? Can we trust what the Gospels tell us about Jesus and his ministry? Who wrote Acts, the epistles, and Revelation, and what are their major events and themes? How can I learn to read and...
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    20 Answers: Protestantism gives you a perfect beginner’s guide to the historical roots of Protestantism, its liturgical and doctrinal flavors, and its impact on the evolution of global (and especially American) Christian culture. Most of all, it offers proven advice for finding common ground with Protestants while sharing your own Catholic faith.

    20 Answers: Protestantism

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
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    Separated at Baptism How did Protestant Christianity begin and spread? What are the distinctive beliefs of Protestantism, and how do they differ from Catholic teaching? How do “non-denominational Bible churches” compare with the...
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    20 Answers: Conversion offers a personal guide to the ins and outs of becoming Catholic, from someone who has been there himself. Whether you’re new to the Church, thinking of becoming Catholic (or know someone who is), or just want to learn more about how Catholicism works, you’ll find the answers you’re looking for right here.

    20 Answers: Conversion

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
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    A New Life of Faith What is it like to enter the Catholic Church? How do I choose a parish, and learn about Catholic customs, prayers, and practices? Which Catholic doctrines and moral teachings do I have to believe, and which are just optional? How...
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    20 Answers: Marriage and Sex provides a solid introduction to what marriage is, why it’s important, and how to make it work. It also gives sure guidance through today’s minefield of sexual sin and confusion, showing God’s way to marital happiness—and holiness.

    20 Answers: Marriage & Sex

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
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    The Lifelong Bond with a Noble Purpose What is Christian marriage all about? How can I know if I have found the right person to marry? Is it true that divorced people are excluded from the Church? Why is the Catholic Church seemingly obsessed with...
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    20 Answers: The Early Church reveals the legacy of our forefathers in the Faith, showing how they lived and what they believed. And perhaps most importantly, how the Church they governed, guarded, and preached was the same Church that Jesus founded and the same Church that we have inherited almost two millennia later.

    20 Answers: The Early Church

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
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    One Faith Handed Down in Truth  How did the Church begin and spread?  Why is it important to learn about early Christianity?   Who were the successors of the apostles and other leaders of the early Church?  Were the...
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    The Ancient Foundation of Our Faith

What kinds of books are in the Old Testament?

Do the laws of the Old Testament still apply to us today?

Who were some of its important priests, prophets, kings, and other major figures?

Now that we have the New Covenant and Gospels, how is the Old Testament still relevant to Christians?

Even for many believers, the Old Testament can be a dense, daunting collection of exotic names, places, and practices. Its sprawling histories can overwhelm us, its strict rules and rituals even scandalize us. 20 Answers: The Old Testament helps you make sense of it all—not only by breaking down its key themes, figures, and timelines in an easy-to-understand way but also by showing its beautiful continuity with the revelation of Jesus Christ.

The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.

    20 Answers: The Old Testament

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $4.45
    Was: $4.95
    The Ancient Foundation of Our Faith What kinds of books are in the Old Testament? Do the laws of the Old Testament still apply to us today? Who were some of its important priests, prophets, kings, and other major figures? Now that we have the New...
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    Was: $4.95