
  • 20 Answers: Death and Judgment looks at the last things that await us, including purgatory, heaven and hell, and the resurrection of our body, as well as the end times and the renewal of all creation.

    20 Answers: Death & Judgment

    Catholic Answers Press

    The End of All Things What happens to us after death? Does Catholic belief in purgatory contradict Scripture? Why would an all-loving God condemn people to eternity in hell? What do the Church and the Bible say I have to do to be saved and go to...
  • In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find biblical evidence for Marian doctrine and devotion, answers to common objections to Catholic teachings about Mary, and guidance on how to imitate Christ—which we should do in all things—by loving and honoring his mother.

    20 Answers: Mary

    Catholic Answers Press

    Handmaid of the Lord How can a human woman be God’s mother? Where in the Bible does it say that Mary was sinless and a perpetual virgin? Doesn’t praying to Mary and calling her “mediatrix” turn her into a kind of goddess? What...
  • Deepen your understanding of abortion with 20 Answers: Abortion—essential reading on this critical issue. Get smart answers about abortion in 20 Answers: Abortion, tackling life's beginning and women's rights.

    20 Answers: Abortion

    Catholic Answers Press

    20 Answers: Abortion will deepen your understanding of this critical moral issue, and give you the knowledge you need to explain it to others.  The Human-Rights Issue of Our Age Is it possible to know when life begins? Shouldn’t women be...
  • 20 Answers: Islam

    20 Answers: Islam

    Catholic Answers Press

    The Crescent and the Cross What are the basic teachings of Islam? How does the Quran compare with the Bible? Does Islam really encourage violence in God’s name, or is it a religion of peace? In 20 Answers: Islam you’ll find smart, solid...
  • 20 Answers: God guides you down a path of rational inquiry and understanding toward an encounter with the central mystery of the universe.

    20 Answers: God

    Catholic Answers Press

    "I Am Who I Am" Who...or What...is God? Does the universe provide clues to God's existence? Why would a loving all-powerful God permit suffering in the world? What are some reasons to believe in the Trinitarian God of the Christian Bible? In this...
  • 20 Answers: The Papacy

    20 Answers: The Papacy

    Catholic Answers Press

    Upon this Rock Where is a “pope” mentioned in the Bible? Why do we need a mere man to lead the Church—can’t we all just follow Jesus? Did the early Christians recognize that Peter and his successors possessed special...
  • 20 Answers: Atheism

    20 Answers: Atheism

    Catholic Answers Press

    Life’s Ultimate Questions How can you know for sure that God exists? If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? Doesn’t evolution mean we don’t need God to explain human life? Why should I believe in God when...