Sophia Institute Press
33 Years in the Holy Land: What Jesus Saw from Bethlehem to Golgotha
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95With this penetrating book you’ll go behind the Gospels to experience a richly textured, moment-by-moment account of the incredible events of Christ’s life, from the Nativity to Golgotha...$14.95 -
A Blue Collar Answer to Protestantism
Sophia Institute Press
$18.95Popular author and TV and radio host John Martignoni has written a book that highlights the flaws in Protestant teaching — using something that is in rather short supply in today’s...$18.95 -
A Catholic Scientist Champions the Shroud of Turin
Sophia Institute Press
$17.95The Shroud of Turin is celebrated as one of the holiest and most important relics of Christianity, with millions of pilgrims traveling to see the precious cloth in Italy on the rare occasions it...$17.95 -
A Devotional Journey Into The Mass: How Mass Can Become a Time of Grace, Nourishment, and Devotion
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95If you’re unhappy because the Mass has become for you routine – or even boring and tedious – A Devotional Journey Into the Mass is for you - teaching you eight simple ways to...$14.95 -
An Exorcist Explains the Demonic: The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95From Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the renowned exorcist in Rome, comes this powerful, eye-opening book on the deadly antics of Satan and his fallen angels, as well as spiritual remedies for each. An Exorcist...$14.95 -
Apostles and Their Times
Sophia Institute Press
$14.95Here's an unflinching look at the lives and sacrifices of those first Christians who were given the task of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Relying on ancient documents — as...$14.95 -
Ask Peter Kreeft: The 100 Most Interesting Questions He's Ever Been Asked
Sophia Institute Press
$18.95I’ve given thousands of lectures around the country to engaged, thoughtful, curious university and church audiences and have always made it a practice to allow for as many questions as possible...$18.95 -
Blue Collar Apologetics
Sophia Institute Press
$19.95Most of us know what we believe as Catholics, but often we’re unclear on why we believe it. At a time when vast numbers of Catholics are slipping away from the Faith, God has tasked you and...$19.95 -
Classic Bible Comics
Sophia Institute Press
$19.95Vividly and imaginatively illustrated in lavish color, a vintage classic that sold in the countless thousands for two generations is now back in print from Sophia Institute Press. 23 Essential...$19.95 -
Forty Anti-Catholic Lies: A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight
Sophia Institute Press
$19.95Tired of being stumped when false claims are made about the Catholic Church? Want to be armed with knowledge that puts these mistruths to rest? In these pages, veteran apologist Gerard Verschuuren...$19.95 -
Fulton Sheen's Wartime Prayer Book
Sophia Institute Press
$9.95Written for soldiers by Msgr. Fulton Sheen in the darkest moments of World War II, this small prayer book has been proven in combat and hallowed by the suffering, prayers, and sacrifices of thousands...$9.95 -
How to Think Like Aquinas: The Sure Way to Perfect Your Mental Powers
Sophia Institute Press
$18.95About St. Thomas Aquinas, Pope John XXII said: “A man can derive more profit in a year from his books than from pondering all his life the teaching of others.” And Pope Pius XI...$18.95