Handmaid of the Lord
How can a human woman be God’s mother?
Where in the Bible does it say that Mary was sinless and a perpetual virgin?
Doesn’t praying to Mary and calling her “mediatrix” turn her into a kind of goddess?
What can I do to build and deepen my relationship with Mary as my spiritual mother in heaven?
In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more.
From the cross, as his mission of redemption reached its climax, Jesus gave us Mary to be our mother. In 20 Answers: Mary you’ll find biblical evidence for Marian doctrine and devotion, answers to common objections to Catholic teachings about Mary, and guidance on how to imitate Christ—which we should do in all things—by loving and honoring his mother.
The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.
5 Reviews
I have purchased this booklet several times for our RCIA class. It is a wonderful supplemental teaching aid.
See above
Short, concise and to the point
Gives biblical answers to questions concerning Mary.
20 Answers Mary
The 20 Answers Series is excellent...Tim Staples Answers on Mary is an prime example. Covering who she is, her Immaculate Conception, Virginity, Assumption, present role as Mediatrix and co-Redemptoris, role as God's mother, etc. I found it somewhat disconcerting that these were separated from answers to the Protestant and Scriptural arguments against these dogmas and that the Father's commentary was buried admist such answers in the middle of the list. I was pleased to note that he emphasized her queen-mother role and its links to Jewish monarchical history. Her apparitions are touched on and our need for Mary concludes the list. One thing that would be helpful in each book of the series is a Table of Contents listing the questions covered in the front. However, in sum, I do recommend it as a quick reference for Evangelization questions.
Mary 20 Questions
As a protestant who is considering the catholic faith, I found this little book to be very helpful. It answered some of the questions I had about Mary and debunked some of the misconceptions I had been taught about Mary for many years. This book is a great starting point for understanding the importance of Mary.
20 Answers - Mary
Good material to reinforce and defend Marian doctrine principals. Some of the questions may be somewhat repetitive (or overlapping with earlier questions), but overall, a very good refresher, and a relatively quick read.