
Book of the Month Club

Book of the Month Club

Book of the Month Club

Receive a solidly Catholic book each month that is guaranteed to make you better at explaining and defending your Catholic faith.

A lot of people have misconceptions about what the Church really teaches. Our trusted and apologist-reviewed books will not only help you become an apologist in your own right but will also help you grow more deeply in your Faith. Club members can submit questions to the author that will be answered live on air during Catholic Answers LIVE!

Book Club Members Also Get:

  • St. Thomas Aquinas bookmark with your first book (and new surprise swag throughout the year)
  • Submit questions to the club inbox for a special grab bag segment on Catholic Answers Live with the author
  • Invite-only livestream events with the author and others discussing the book
  • Members-only sneak peeks at content from upcoming titles
  • Exclusive coupon codes for club members to purchase additional copies of their favorite titles

Become a better apologist one month at a time and have some fun with Catholic Answers! 


Book of the Month Calendar 



In Confusion in the Kingdom, apologist Trent Horn (Why We’re Catholic) helps you make sense of the present chaos in the Church by examining the factions of progressive Catholicism and their beliefs, showing why they’re not representative of Catholic orthodoxy and exposing the harm and scandal they have caused.



Sola Scriptura Doesn’t Work: 25 Practical Reasons to Reject the Doctrine of “Bible Alone” is a different kind of take on the debate over the authority of Scripture and Protestants’ rejection of Sacred Tradition. Using a conversational, down-to-earth approach, author Joel S. Peters leaves behind heady theology and prooftext-slinging to focus on the real-world implications of Protestantism’s core doctrine.



By Trent Horn

With the end of Roe v. Wade, the struggle over abortion has never been hotter. Read Persuasive Pro-Life today, and never again be afraid to speak up for the precious and fundamental right to life.



Real Discipleship by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby 


 The Saints Pray for You by Karlo Broussard.



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