Book of the Month Club
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A lot of people have misconceptions about what the Church really teaches. Our trusted and apologist-reviewed books will not only help you become an apologist in your own right but will also help you grow more deeply in your Faith. Club members can submit questions to the author that will be answered during EXLUSIVE webinars with our authors!
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Book of the Month Calendar
In Canceled, acclaimed historian Steve Weidenkopf turns his razor-sharp focus to some of the most controversial Catholic figures to capture imaginations throughout the centuries. But why are they controversial? Because they are the victims of a concerted project of defamation, calumny, and wrath, from evil actors ranging from Enlightenment “philosophers” to Protestant rebels to malcontents within the Catholic Church itself. It was cancel culture before cancel culture was cool, and you’ll be amazed at the true stories of these maligned men and women of God.
In God’s Wounds, John Clark offers what may be the most thorough, honest, and faithful reckoning with the stigmata ever written. Neither cynical nor naïve, he takes evidence for the phenomena at face value and tries to make sense of it both medically and spiritually.
In The Faith Unboxed, Andrew Petiprin tries to answer the question of what Catholicism is by examining and straining out what it is not. Using a blend of everyman’s theology, personal testimony, and thoughtful dives into pop culture, he breaks open those ill-fitting boxes and casts them aside, revealing the full truth of Catholic identity within.
By Rod Bennett - In These Twelve, author Rod Bennett (Four Witnesses, The Apostasy That Wasn’t) shows that the apostles weren’t random, interchangeable parts—mere pawns that Jesus moved around in order to accomplish his mission. No, these men were the mission.
By Cy Kellett - A Teacher of Strange Things: Who Jesus Was, What He Taught, and Why People Still Follow Him - Cy takes you on a journey of discovery through these questions and many more, helping you see with fresh eyes the once-familiar Jesus Christ. If you are a seeker, you will rethink everything you took for granted about him. If you are his follower, you will come to love him with new and greater zeal.
By Christine Flynn - Not Just Spiritual is the raw and real story of Christine Flynn's journey from error and vice to the Lord's saving grace. And it evokes truths that go beyond just one woman's life, offering a compelling answer to the "spiritual, but not religious" fad that infects our age.
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