
20 Answers Booklets

20 Answers Booklets


Little Books, Big Answers!

The best-selling 20 Answers series offers concise information on the most important topics facing the Catholic Church and the world.   Simply, the best buy for any Catholic.

"A simply, easy read that can put any Catholic in a ready position to defend the Faith." -Charles W.

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    Discover the essence of morality and its origins in "A Map to the Moral Universe"—a profound exploration awaits. Explore the complexities of conscience and morality without confusion in "A Map to the Moral Universe."

    20 Answers: Good and Evil

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    A Map to the Moral Universe What is morality and where does it come from? Is it okay to do something “wrong” if in my conscience I believe it’s right? How do we know what actions are sinful, and whether they are venial or mortal...
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    Dive into the origins and messages of the Gospels with 20 Answers: The Gospels from Catholic Answers. Explore the authors and unique perspectives of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in 20 Answers: The Gospels.

    20 Answers: The Gospels

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    The Good News Starts Here Can we really know who wrote the Gospels and when? What are some of the different ways that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John tell the story of Jesus? Why are other ancient “gospels” not part of the canon of the...
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    Discover the purpose and power of baptism in "Born of Water and Spirit" with clear, Catholic answers to your questions. Explore the significance of baptism through solid, scriptural explanations in this insightful booklet.

    20 Answers: Baptism

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    Born of Water and Spirit What does baptism do, anyway? Must we be baptized by immersion in water, or is sprinkling enough? Is it possible to be baptized if you don’t already believe in Jesus, like an infant? Does the Bible say we’re to be...
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    20 Answers: St. Thomas Aquinas

    20 Answers: St. Thomas Aquinas

    Catholic Answers Press

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    Who was Thomas Aquinas, and why is he such a big deal? How does St. Thomas prove the existence of God by reason alone? What is the Summa Theologica, and what are its major parts, topics, and arguments? How can Thomistic teachings on theology, philosophy,...
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    Catholic Answers booklet from the 20 Answers Series, 20 Answers: The Mass. Also available in digital.

    20 Answers: The Mass

    Catholic Answers Press

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    Is the Mass a meal or a sacrifice? Why did the Mass change after Vatican II? What are the different rites of the Mass, and how did they develop? Why do we have to go to church every Sunday when God is everywhere, and we can just worship him in our own...
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    20 Answers: The Book of Revelation

    20 Answers: The Book of Revelation

    Catholic Answers Press

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    Was: $4.95
    Who wrote the book of Revelation and why? How does the Church interpret Revelation’s prophecies? Who or what are the Beast, the Antichrist, and the Whore of Babylon? Does Revelation teach that there will be a rapture and a thousand-year reign of...
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    Doesn’t the Bible say we’re all saints?

How can the saints possibly hear the prayers of everyone on earth?

Isn’t praying to dead saints not only idolatrous but also the unbiblical practice of necromancy?

If Jesus is the “one mediator between God and men” (1 Tim. 2:5), isn’t it wrong to ask the saints to mediate for us with God?

Catholics believe that the souls of those who were saved by Jesus not only live forever in his presence, but that we who are still on earth have fellowship with them. This sense of solidarity with all those who live in Christ is ancient and unbroken—but it’s also a source of confusion and sometimes even hostility for non-Catholic Christians. 20 Answers: The Communion of Saints explains this beautiful Catholic teaching in a way that’s easy to understand and share, with solid biblical arguments dispelling many myths about our belief and practice regarding the saints.

The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.

    20 Answers: The Communion of Saints

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    Doesn’t the Bible say we’re all saints? How can the saints possibly hear the prayers of everyone on earth? Isn’t praying to dead saints not only idolatrous but also the unbiblical practice of necromancy? If Jesus is the “one...
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    Did the pope support Hitler?

Aren’t Christmas, Easter, and other holidays stolen from pagan feasts?

Doesn’t the use of statues and idolatrous religious art prove that Catholics worship Mary and the saints?

Isn’t Catholic history one long string of oppression, from native peoples subjected by missionaries to innocent women, scientists, and non-believers burned at the stake?

When you have been around for 2,000 years like the Catholic Church, there are bound to be some crazy rumors about you. Some are ancient, re-warmed from age to age by the Church’s enemies; others are modern, kept afloat by the mounting ignorance of an increasingly secular society. 20 Answers: Anti-Catholic Myths looks at some of the most persistent of those myths, both historical and theological, serious and silly, that continue to be voiced to our day, and shows you how to defend the Church from the lies.

The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package

    20 Answers: Anti-Catholic Myths

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    Did the pope support Hitler?Aren’t Christmas, Easter, and other holidays stolen from pagan feasts?Doesn’t the use of statues and idolatrous religious art prove that Catholics worship Mary and the saints?Isn’t Catholic history one long...
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    Aren’t relics and sacramentals just “Catholic superstition”?

What are some biblical reasons for revering sacred objects and using them in prayer?

How does the Church know that body parts of saints and other holy objects are authentic?

Are there any rules for keeping relics and sacramentals at home, giving them to others, and disposing of them if necessary?

The use of holy objects in worship is one of the best-known hallmarks of Catholicism—and one of the most misunderstood. Whether it’s venerating the corporal remains or personal belongings of saints (relics) or praying with the help of tangible items in liturgy and individual devotion (sacramentals), such practices often puzzle Catholic, Protestant, and nonbeliever alike. 20 Answers: Relics and Sacramentals clears up the misconceptions and shows you how Christianity is truly an incarnational religion that involves the whole person, body and soul, and the physical world that Jesus came to redeem.

The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.

    20 Answers: Relics & Sacramentals

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    Aren’t relics and sacramentals just “Catholic superstition”?What are some biblical reasons for revering sacred objects and using them in prayer?How does the Church know that body parts of saints and other holy objects are authentic?Are...
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    Was: $4.95
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    Popular culture fills our heads with lurid images of apocalyptic events, and the daily headlines make us wonder if the prophesied end of days may soon be here. 20 Answers: The End Times cuts through the wild speculation and explains what the Church and biblical prophecy really teach us about the Christ’s return and the long-foretold events that will mark the culmination of creation as we know it. Best of all, it shows us how to look forward to these things not with fear but with patient perseverance.

    20 Answers: The End Times

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    Come, Lord Jesus Are we living in the end times? Who is the Antichrist, and how will we recognize him when he appears? What does the New Testament say about the Second Coming and the end of the world? Does the book of Revelation give us clues about a...
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    Delve into the profound history and spiritual power of the rosary with 20 Answers: The Rosary from Catholic Answers. Discover the biblical roots and transformative benefits of praying the rosary in 20 Answers: The Rosary.

    20 Answers: The Rosary

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    Pray for Us Sinners Now Is the rosary biblical? What are some of the historical signs and wonders associated with the rosary? If Scripture says that Christ is the one mediator between God and man, isn’t it wrong to pray to Mary for her...
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  • On Sale
    Just as the natural world has its cycle of seasons featuring light and darkness, life and death (and rebirth), so too does the Christian life trace an annual path marking the sequence of the mysteries of the Faith. 20 Answers: Seasons & Feasts demystifies the “Church calendar,” explaining the beautiful way in which our prayers and observances are ordered throughout the year. It also clears up common misconceptions about certain Catholic practices and offers tips on participating in the liturgical year more fruitfully.

    20 Answers: Seasons and Feasts

    Catholic Answers Press

    Now: $3.95
    Was: $4.95
    The Reasons for the Seasons What is the “liturgical calendar,” and why does the Church use it? Why does the Church celebrate “feast days” in honor of certain people and events? Is it true that Christmas, Easter, saints’...
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