
Catholic Books

Catholic Books

Browse our wide selection of best selling Catholic books from Catholic Answers Press, Ignatius Press, and more. Types of books include: Catholic Bibles, Graphic Novels, Church History,  Faith Fundamentals, Sacraments, Catechisms, Classics, Chastity, Apologetics, Family, and Catholic Living.

  • A Song for Nagasaki chronicles Takashi Nagai's journey from Shintoism to Catholicism amidst post-atomic Nagasaki, from Ignatius Press.

    A Song for Nagasaki

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    On August 9, 1945, an American B-29 dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, killing tens of thousands of people in the blink of an eye, while fatally injuring and poisoning thousands more. Among the survivors was Takashi Nagai, a pioneer in radiology...
  • Uncover the secret investigation of Padre Pio by Bishop Raffaello Rossi in this book from Ignatius Press, featuring new revelations and photos.

    Padre Pio Under Investigation

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    On June 14, 1921, a priest knocks at the convent in San Giovanni Rotondo. He is in his early forties and wears a simple cassock, but he is no ordinary priest. He is Bishop Raffaello Carlo Rossi, future cardinal and the Apostolic Visitor sent by the Holy...
  • Discover insightful perspectives on Islam and its integration in Europe from expert Samir Khalil Samir, in collaboration with journalists.

    111 Questions on Islam

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

      The terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, the Afghan conflict, waves of migration, and the presence of twelve million Muslims in the European Union: these are just a few of the things that have helped contribute to a growing interest in Islam, its...
  • The Grunt Padre

    The Grunt Padre

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    This is the definitive biography of Fr. Vincent Robert Capodanno, a chaplain for the Marine Corps during the Vietnam war. Greatly beloved by so many who served under his spiritual care, Fr. Capodanno died on the field of battle giving the last rites to...
  • Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week explores the true identity of Jesus, addressing His divine claims, rejection, and resurrection with profound scholarship.

    Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    For Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God, who died for the sins of the world, and who rose from the dead in triumph over sin and death. For non-Christians, he is almost anything else--a myth, a political revolutionary, a prophet whose...
  • Explore Fr. Florian Racine's guide to Eucharistic adoration, deepening faith and communion with Christ through transformative practice from Ignatius Press.

    Could You Not Watch with Me One Hour?

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Fr. Florian Racine offers us a beautiful formation guide on Eucharistic adoration that will help us to practice it in all its depth, and with a missionary perspective. God has made himself particularly close to mankind in Jesus his Son. The redemptive...
  • Discover spiritual peace through total surrender to God's will in this 18th-century classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, from Ignatius Press.

    Abandonment to Divine Providence

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    God is to be found in the simplest of our daily activities and especially through total surrender to whatever is His will for each of us. That is the message of this 18th-century inspirational classic by Jean-Pierre de Caussade. Its encouragement to...

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