

Catholic Answers Official Shop | Find all your trusted Catholic Apologetics Books from our best-selling Why We're Catholic to  Catholic books that will fill you with hope like Secrets from Heaven. These books are high-quality and solidly Catholic. Plus, your purchase helps support our efforts to reach more souls for Christ and share the fullness of truth found in the Catholic faith.

  • Explore Peter Kreeft's insights on Blaise Pascal's profound apologetics in "Pascal's Apology," addressing modern skepticism, from Ignatius Press.

    Christianity for Modern Pagans

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Peter Kreeft believes that Blaise Pascal is the first post-medieval apologist. No writer in history, claims Kreeft, is a more effective Christian apologist and evangelist to today's uprooted, confused, secularized pagans (inside and outside the Church)...
  • Explore Peter Kreeft's profound answers to life's biggest questions in this engaging apologetics book from Ignatius Press, ideal for teens and adults alike.

    Because God Is Real

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Atheistic and agnostic writers are aggressively attacking traditional religious beliefs. Philosopher and prolific writer Peter Kreeft is up to the challenge in this work of popular apologetics aimed at both teens and adults. The masterful Kreeft tackles...
  • The Detransition Diaries

    The Detransition Diaries

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    We live in unprecedented times, when what was known for thousands of years, that we are created male and female, is now up for debate.  It is now controversial to see that sex is binary, that a man can never become a woman, nor a woman a man, and...
  • He Leadeth Me

    He Leadeth Me

    He Leadeth Me is the deeply moving personal story of one man's spiritual odyssey and the unflagging faith which enabled him to survive the horrendous ordeal that wrenched his body and spirit to near collapse. Captured by the Russian army during World War...
  • Using a conversational, down-to-earth approach, author Joel S. Peters leaves behind heady theology and prooftext-slinging to focus on the real-world implications of Protestantism’s core doctrine. Joel S. Peters dissects sola scriptura, showing why "Bible alone" doesn’t hold up in everyday Christian practice and experience.

    Sola Scriptura Doesn't Work

    Catholic Answers Press

    Millions of Christians believe in the doctrine of sola scriptura—that the Bible is the sole rule of faith. The Catholic Church rejects it as contrary to biblical teaching, Christian history, and common sense. But there’s another problem with...
  • Confusion in the Kingdom | How "Progressive" Catholicism is Bringing Harm and Scandal to the Church | by Trent Horn | A Catholic Answers Press publication Holding a copy of Confusion in the Kingdom | How "Progressive" Catholicism is Bringing Harm and Scandal to the Church | by Trent Horn | A Catholic Answers Press publication

    Confusion In the Kingdom

    Catholic Answers Press

    Today, When You Buy 2 Copies, We'll Add 3 FREE Copies to Your Cart!Here's how it works: Add 2 copies of Confusion In the Kingdom to your cart Enter Promo Code B2G3TRUTH We'll automatically add 3 FREE COPIES to your cart. PROMO CODE MUST...
  • Discover the heroic life of Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J., martyred in Mexico City in 1927 for his faith, from Ignatius Press.

    Father Miguel Pro: A Modern Mexican Martyr

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    One chilly November morning in 1927, a slender young priest stood before a firing squad in Mexico City. Five shots cracked through the air, and he fell lifeless on the ground. The man was Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J. His crime? Being a Catholic priest. As a...