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  • Introduction to the Devout Life

    Introduction to the Devout Life

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Written over 400 years ago, Introduction to the Devout Life is still one of the most popular books for those pursuing holiness. St. Francis de Sales explains how to turn that desire for sanctity into resolutions that yield grace-filled results. Themes...
  • Explore Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection mysteries in this thought-provoking Q&A book by Carl Olson from Ignatius Press.

    Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Major feature films such The Passion of the Christ and Risen, and books such as Bill O'Reilly's Killing Jesus raise many questions about one of the greatest controversies in history--what really happened to the crucified body of Jesus of Nazareth. Using...
  • He Leadeth Me

    He Leadeth Me

    He Leadeth Me is the deeply moving personal story of one man's spiritual odyssey and the unflagging faith which enabled him to survive the horrendous ordeal that wrenched his body and spirit to near collapse. Captured by the Russian army during World War...
  • Discover the heroic life of Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J., martyred in Mexico City in 1927 for his faith, from Ignatius Press.

    Father Miguel Pro: A Modern Mexican Martyr

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    One chilly November morning in 1927, a slender young priest stood before a firing squad in Mexico City. Five shots cracked through the air, and he fell lifeless on the ground. The man was Miguel Agustin Pro, S.J. His crime? Being a Catholic priest. As a...
  • Saint Paul

    Saint Paul

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Saint Paul is one of the most important figures in Christian history. As Saul of Tarsus he vigorously persecuted Christianity, even collaborating in the death of Saint Stephen, the first Christian martyr. Paul's encounter with the resurrected Jesus on...
  • Your Questions, God's Answers

    Your Questions, God's Answers

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Kreeft uses Scripture to provide God's answers to the most common and important questions young people ask about the deeper meaning of life, their own identity, overcoming failure and temptation, the mystery of God's love, and much more. These are...