
Catholic Living

Catholic Living

  • Love & Responsibility

    Love & Responsibility

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Drawing from his own pastoral experience as a priest and bishop before he became Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla has produced a remarkably eloquent and resourceful defense of Catholic tradition in the sphere of family life and sexual morality. He writes...
  • Discover Sigrid Undset's acclaimed biography of Saint Catherine of Siena from Ignatius Press, capturing her courage and devotion.

    Catherine of Siena

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Sigrid Undset's Catherine of Siena is critically acclaimed as one of the best biographies of this well known, and amazing fourteenth-century saint. Known for her historical fiction, which won her the Nobel Prize for literature in 1928, Undset based this...
  • Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives

    Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    The momentous third and final volume in the Pope's international bestselling Jesus of Nazareth series details the stories of Jesus' infancy and boyhood, and how they are relevant today in the modern world. As the Pope wrote in volume two of this series,...
  • The Sound of Beauty

    The Sound of Beauty

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    Music remains something of a mystery to many people. This book begins with the basic question of what music actually is, employing simple, clear scientific explanations of waves and acoustics while appreciating them as part of God's natural creation. It...
  • The Philosophy of Tolkien

    The Philosophy of Tolkien

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    While nothing can equal or replace the adventure in reading Tolkien’s masterwork, The Lord of the Rings, Peter Kreeft says that the journey into its underlying philosophy can be another exhilarating adventure. Thus, Kreeft takes the reader on a...
  • The Greatest Philosopher Who Ever Lived

    The Greatest Philosopher Who Ever Lived

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    In 2019, Peter Kreeft published Socrates' Children, a four-volume series on the hundred greatest philosophers of all time, spanning from ancient Greece to contemporary Germany. But he made a terrible mistake: he somehow left out women, and with this, he...
  • Dive into Jean-Jacques Antier's comprehensive biography of Foucauld, featuring rare insights and exclusive archival access.

    Charles de Foucauld, Second Edition

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    This definitive biography by Jean-Jacques Antier, a renowned French author of more than 50 books, is the fruit of his exhaustive research on Foucauld's life, writings and correspondence. He was given access to the complete archive on the life of Foucauld...
  • To Know Christ Jesus

    To Know Christ Jesus

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    This modern spiritual classic by Frank Sheed, the renowned author, publisher and lecturer, is brought back into print for the benefit of new generations of readers to develop a deeper, more profound knowledge of Jesus Christ. Sheed's concern with the...
  • Cardinal Sarah's profound retreat guide for married couples, offering insights to rediscover and nurture love, from Ignatius Press.

    Couples, Awaken Your Love

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    With the luminous insight that we have come to expect from his writings, Robert Cardinal Sarah helps spouses rediscover the deep source of their love—God Himself—and the means for letting love between them grow. This book presents the...
  • The Story of the Family

    The Story of the Family

    Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop

    "The disintegration of rational society started in the drift from the hearth and the family", wrote G. K. Chesterton in 1933. "The solution must be a drift back." In a world that has lost touch with normality, it takes a pioneer to rediscover the...