Catholic Answers Press

Catholic Answers School of Apologetics: Beginning Apologetics Online Course

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Was: $139.95


Beginning Apologetics covers:

  • Methods of defending the Faith
  • The history of apologetics
  • The existence of God
  • The case for the Christian faith
  • Evidence for the Catholic Church
  • The reliability of the New Testament
  • Objections to the Church
  • The practical techniques you need to know

The course consists of more than forty individual video segments, each of which is around ten minutes long—meaning that you can study as much or as little as you have time for at the moment.

In the course, Jimmy distills the essential insights from his more than a quarter century of doing apologetics professionally. We guarantee that even seasoned defenders of the Faith will learn things they didn’t know before.

 *Bulk Pricing for Parish or Classroom use is available. Please call our Customer Service Team at 1-888-291-8000 for more information.

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Online Course, 41 Lessons (Run-Time 7:34)
Jimmy Akin
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37 Reviews

  • 5

    Beginning Apologetics Course

    Posted by Keith Hebert on Jan 31st 2020

    Love the course, only about 30% complete so far. Looking forward to version that can be used to teach in parish environment.

  • 5

    Apologetics by Jimmy Akin

    Posted by Rob on Jan 10th 2020

    An excellent course, very well thought out and presented.

  • 5

    This is a good introduction to apologetics that is easy to understand. Doesn’t get bogged down in technicalities but focuses on the basics. Well done.

    Posted by Stephen Hertz on Jan 5th 2020

    An improvement that could be made Is in the short quizzes which are fine. Rather than just letting you know whether you got the correct answer, provide a brief summary of why the answer is correct ( or incorrect) which provides another learning experience

  • 5

    Beginning Apologetics

    Posted by Robert Woyak on Jan 2nd 2020

    Jimmy does a great job kicking off The Catholic Answers School of Apologetics with the Beginning Apologetics course. I found it well organized and highly informative. i can't wait for the next course offering.

  • 4

    Beginning apologetics

    Posted by Dr. Brian Ruddell on Jan 1st 2020

    Makes a complicated subject easy to understand.

  • 5

    Beginning Apologetics: Understanding How to Defend and Explain the Faith

    Posted by Mark Cascia on Dec 26th 2019

    Formal, apologetic training is something sorely needed in today's Western culture, where devoted Catholics live in a culture surrounded by skepticism and even outright hostility to all things religious. Too many people are infected with the poison of moral relativism and refuse to acknowledge basic realities such as the existence of objective truth, but there are still those people who will listen to reasoned arguments with an open mind. It is those people that good, apologetic arguments can reach to plant the seeds of truth, such as the existence of God, Jesus as God incarnate, and the historical establishment of the Catholic Church through Jesus. In the course on Beginning Apologetics, Catholic Answers, Inc. has developed an outstanding series of online video lessons that teach the what of the Catholic faith, and how to convey that truth to a skeptical audience. The course is composed of 41 videos, presented in small, bite-sized segments of 5 - 20 minutes long, followed by a quiz to test one's knowledge. The course comes complete with a study guide, and with the notes one can take, and with practice of the techniques and tactics of apologetics, over time one can become skilled at explaining and defending the Catholic faith to a skeptic. Nobody else in the Catholic world is doing this, and Catholic Answers, Inc. should be highly commended in their efforts to train a whole new generation on how to explain defend the faith with clarity and charity.

  • 5

    School of Apologetics

    Posted by Carlos Lopez on Dec 21st 2019

    This is a great way of learning how to defend our faith. I recommend this tool to anyone who is serious about learning more.

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