
Educational Institutions

Whether you are a university professor, high school teacher, ministry coordinator, administrator, curriculum/library purchaser, or homeschool facilitator, Catholic Answers is here to help you explain and teach the Faith to your students and those you serve.

Here you’ll find faith-building pamphlets, concise topical booklets, evangelization materials, books, videos, and more. All are aimed at explaining the Faith in creative and easy-to-understand ways for as little as pennies each!

Our free topical resources, downloadable podcasts, videos, and magazine articles are available to you and your students—day or night—on our website. Come to Catholic Answers first when you need solid, Catholic answers, when students need reliable sources for research, or for clear explanations of what, how, and why the Church teaches on certain subjects to bring light and understanding to the learning environment.

Check back regularly to see what new resources we’ve added. Be sure to enroll as a partner and receive generous discounts on most items.

We look forward to partnering with you in educating and equipping today’s future Catholic leaders with a better understanding of their Faith, how it applies to their lives, and how to articulate and defend the good news of Jesus Christ and fullness of truth found in the Catholic Church.

We have resources for:

  • College-level curriculum
  • High-school resources
  • Student living
  • Campus ministry
  • Living as a Catholic in today’s world
  • Hot topics
  • Course supplements for Catholic history, philosophy, theology
  • Dating, marriage, family
  • Catholic Answers Library selection
  • Pro-Life resources
  • Atheism resources
  • Specific items for men or women
  • Evangelization and outreach
  • Homeschool help-topic reference list

Catholic Answers is the nation’s largest lay-run apostolate of Catholic apologetics and evangelization. We are dedicated to serving Christ by bringing the fullness of Catholic truth to the world. We help good Catholics become better Catholics, bring former Catholics “home,” and lead non-Catholics into the fullness of the Faith.