Catholic Answers Press

Faith Alone: Is It Justifiable? (MP3)

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Justification is one of the core differences between Catholics and Protestants. While not all Protestant denominations understand the term the same way, most believe that man is justified - that is, transformed from unrighteousness into holiness and sonship to God - bt faith alone. In this clearly articulated talk, Scott Hahn explains the Catholic and Protestant views of justification and teaches us how to discuss it with our non-Catholic brethren.

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MP3, 3 files total minutes is 2 hours, 25 minutes
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1 Review

  • 5


    Posted by Amadeo Baleyos on Feb 10th 2022

    I would like to say that I like this interview a lot because I got to learn what we Catholics believe about salvation and how to defend it. One of the highlights that I would like to say is that the way that Dr. Hahn explain was easy to understand and clear. Even after you listen to this interview it's gonna be worth listening to again because of the information.

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