Catholic Answers Press

The Old Evangelization: How To Spread The Faith Like Jesus Did

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  • Discover "The Old Evangelization" by Eric Sammons, diving into timeless lessons from Jesus' approach to spreading the Gospel.
  • Eric Sammons explores Jesus' method of evangelization in "The Old Evangelization," offering practical insights for modern disciples.
  • In "The Old Evangelization," Eric Sammons reexamines Jesus' Gospel encounters to inspire effective evangelism today.
  • Learn from Jesus' direct teachings on evangelization in Eric Sammons' "The Old Evangelization," a guide to authentic outreach.


It seems like every day somebody comes out with a new trick for bringing people into the Faith. Mixing pop psychology with spiritual fads and marketing jargon, these techniques seem to last only until the next big idea comes around.  And despite their hype, they usually don’t win many souls.

As a diocesan director of evangelization, Eric Sammons saw a lot of these trends come and go, without bearing fruit, until one day he finally had enough. If we’re serious about spreading the gospel, he thought, the first place we should look is to the original master evangelist: Jesus himself.

In The Old Evangelization, Sammons goes back to the source, taking a look at what Jesus did (and didn’t do) when he preached the Good News and drawing out the lessons he taught us.

All evangelization begins with a personal “encounter.” And so Sammons examines Jesus’ most instructive Gospel encounters—with the Samaritan woman at the well, for instance, or with the rich young man—and discovers within each a particular truth that, even 2,000 years later, can help us make new disciples.  He also makes these truths concrete and accessible by showing how the saints practiced them, and by offering practical tips for reflecting on them and putting them to use.

Evangelization is not an option but Christ’s express command (Matt. 28:19-20). What better way to answer this call than by imitating his supreme example?


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Eric Sammons
Softcover, 176 pages
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2 Reviews

  • 3


    Posted by KEVIN Dyer on Aug 27th 2021

    I love catholic answers books... I had to put this book down and not finish.. it holds many truths but I found its approach too harsh/ better than thou..what turns off people about Christians/catholics. Sorry

  • 5


    Posted by Deacon Anthony Gagliarducci on Aug 10th 2021

    Every Catholic ought to have a copy of this..

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