Catholic Answers Press

You Are Loved - Spanish (Digital)

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Today there is a threat in society that is ripping apart families, ruining marriages, and—worst of all—sending souls to hell.

That threat is pornography.

It’s all over the Internet, and pornography has become a threat of enormous proportions.

  • Nine out of ten boys are exposed to pornography before the age of 18.
  • One in five mobile phone searches is for pornography.
  • A quarter of smartphone owners admit to having pornographic material on their phone.
  • Fifty percent of all Christian men and 20 percent of all Christian women say they are regular users of pornography.
  • Fifty-six percent of divorces involve one party having an obsessive Interest in pornographic websites.

As a result of the epidemic of pornography, priests have asked Catholic Answers to produce material specifically to address the subject—and that’s exactly what we’ve done.

Catholic Answers has just published a resource titled You Are Loved, that offers inspiration and hope for the countless individuals struggling to break free of pornography.


"I heartily endorse this very important booklet, and I look forward to its publication. It is an excellent and much needed initiative—bravo to Catholic Answers! I pray that You are Loved receives a wide distribution. It is a perfect booklet to hand out in the confessional." Bishop James Conley, Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska

"To say that pornography is a national epidemic would be an understatement. Aside from its obvious diminishment of both women and men, porn is now a major factor in the breakup of many marriages and thereby undercuts the health and integrity of the whole culture. You Are Loved is a wonderful tool and confessional help for beginning a person's conversion away from porn addiction. I highly recommend it." Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., Archbishop of Philadelphia

“Pornography is a dark secret in many lives today. Advances in communication media have meant that it is accessible as never before. Often those plagued with it feel overwhelmed and helpless. This booklet offers practical and hope-filled advice. It is a most useful tool for priests who meet those suffering from addiction to pornography in the confessional. Catholic Answers is providing a much-needed remedy by publishing You Are Loved." Julian Porteous DD, Archbishop of Hobart

“Without realizing it, people today are desperate for the love that only God can give them. They seek it in soul-destroying counterfeits like pornography. It’s vitally important that they learn the true source of the love they need—God himself—as well as the practical ways they can overcome pornography. That’s why Catholic Answers’ new booklet, You Are Loved, is so timely and stands to do tremendous good for souls.” Archbishop Alexander Sample, Portland, Oregon


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Fr. Phillip G. Bochanski
Spanish eBook, 16 pages
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1 Review

  • 5


    Posted by Martha Reyes on Dec 11th 2023

    I’ve read it in English and I think it’s a blessing for any addiction. It has helped me with gluttony.

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