Catholic Answers Press

20 Answers: Angels And Demons

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Messengers of God

Who or what are the angels?

What powers do angels and demons have?

How can I protect myself from demonic temptation and possession?

What are the guardian angels, and how can I build a relationship with mine?

In 20 Answers: Angels and Demons you’ll find smart, solid answers to these questions and many more.

God created the angelic orders to worship him, and to be models of his spiritual nature, ministers of his word, and agents of his actions throughout creation. 20 Answers: Angels and Demons will help you understand these mysterious and powerful beings, as well as help you avoid the snares and harms of those angels who disobeyed God and fell from his favor—the demons.

The 20 Answers series from Catholic Answers offers hard facts, compelling arguments, and clear explanations of the most important topics facing the Church and the world—all in a compact, easy-to-read package.


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Fr. Mike Driscoll
Softcover, 71 pages
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1 Review

  • 5

    Angels and Demons

    Posted by Joel S Peters on Jul 20th 2020

    Belief in the existence of angels is probably a given for a good number of people, especially since Catholics were brought up being taught that each one of us has a guardian angel. But while many people acknowledge that angels exist, it’s less likely that they have an accurate understanding of the kind of beings angels are and their role in the lives of Christians. For many, an angel is little more than a winged, ethereal being—the subject of popular and traditional depiction in artwork. In the area of paranormal research, books and online resources abound that present information about demons and their activity. Increasingly there are self-styled “ghost hunters” and “paranormal investigators,” but it is unclear whether these people have accurate knowledge about the entities they’re dealing with. They seem to be content with devices that detect anomalies in temperature and energy levels, but are they aware that they may be dealing not with ghosts (human spirits) but with inhuman spirits, namely demons, and their superior intelligence and deceptive nature? This is where Fr. Mike’s booklet serves as a handy, informative, and theologically sound reference. In the questions where he deals with angels, he dispels the “cute” but erroneous concept of angels as plump little cherubs or creatures able to take flight. Instead, he gives the reader solid details about these pure spirit creatures who are God’s “messengers” (the meaning of “angel”) and who play a vital role in His plan of salvation. In the questions where he deals with demons, Fr. Mike provides a sobering yet accurate description of what these entities are and what they are capable of. Thankfully, missing from his content are glamorized, popularized, and secularized notions of fallen angels. They are serious subject matter, and they are certainly not to be trifled with. We fail to understand them correctly at our own peril. Fr. Mike’s treatment of demons, therefore, is both relevant and necessary, especially in a time when people often approach the topic of demons either with a dismissive attitude or one that is almost cavalier in its disregard for how formidable these enemies of the Faith are. Having read multiple books by priest exorcists (Amorth, Fortea), biographers of priest exorcists (Baglio), case studies about actual exorcism (Allen, Goodman), and Catholic demonologists (Blai, Warren), I consider myself to be fairly well informed on the subject matter. I found Fr. Mike’s booklet to be trustworthy, theologically accurate, and in harmony with the Church’s Magisterium. The questions that Fr. Mike answers are: 1. What are angels? 2. What is the angels’ relationship with God? 3. How do angels interact with one another? 4. What is the angels’ relationship with us? 5. Where do we get names for angels and angel choirs? 6. What are demons? 7. What powers do demons have? 8. What are some misconceptions about demons? 9. How do demons attack people? 10. How does a person become possessed? 11. What are the signs of possession? 12. What are the risks of confusing mental disorders and demonic activity? 13. Do demons ever possess places or things? 14. What is the difference between exorcism and deliverance? 15. What does the exorcist do? 16. Does exorcism always work? 17. Is there any connection between demons and witchcraft, Ouija boards, and psychics? 18. What prayers and practices can people adopt for protection against demons? 19. What should a person do if he thinks someone he knows may be possessed? 20. What is the role of guardian angels? This booklet is well worth the cost, and I highly recommend it. While there are other, more extensive treatments of the subject matter (like the authors I mentioned above), this resource will give the reader a solid, working knowledge of angels and demons.

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