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$6 Catholic Answers Books & DVDs | Catholic Answers Official Shop | Get 5 for $30 at the #1 Online Catholic Bookstore for Apologetics | Our 5 for $30 packs are great for small book clubs, handing to friends, or leaving behind in the vestibule for others to find. "Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence" (1 Pet. 3:15).
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Persuasive Pro-Life, 2nd Edition - 5 Copies for $30
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $94.75Are you scared to talk about abortion?Don’t worry—almost everyone is. We think the subject is too impolite, or we don’t want to be branded an intolerant fanatic, or we’re afraid we won’t represent the pro-life side well...Now: $30.00Was: $94.75 -
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Bible Mary - The Mother of Jesus in the Word of God - 5 Copies for $30
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $94.75When it comes to the Catholic Church’s teachings about Mary, there’s one question you hear more than any other: Where is that in the Bible? Where in Scripture can we find the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption, the Virgin Birth, or...Now: $30.00Was: $94.75 -
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Answering Orthodoxy: A Catholic Response to Attacks from the East - 5 Copies for $30
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $94.75What if there’s a better Christian religion than Catholicism? One that has true apostolic doctrines, a more beautiful and ancient liturgy, and freedom from all that “pope” baggage—and valid sacraments, too. That’s what...Now: $30.00Was: $94.75 -
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The Eucharist Is Really Jesus - 5 For $30
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $94.75When the resurrected Jesus appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaus, they didn’t know him. He was there in the flesh, talking, teaching, but they didn’t recognize him. Until the breaking of the bread. Then their eyes were open, and...Now: $30.00Was: $94.75 -
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The New Relativism: Unmasking the Philosophy of Today's Woke Moralists - 5 Copies For $30
Now: $30.00Was: $101.70Do you remember when relativism was the nemesis of Christians and all people of right reason? This idea that “you have your truth and I have mine” was so pervasive and insidious that Pope Benedict XVI warned it was a...Now: $30.00Was: $101.70 -
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When Protestants Argue Like Atheists: 12 Weird Ways That Anti-Catholics Mimic Secular Skeptics - 5 Copies For $30
Now: $30.00Was: $107.70Protestant apologists are usually our partners when it comes to defending the existence of God, the inerrancy of Scripture, traditional moral absolutes, and many other important truths. When arguing against atheism, they shrewdly call out the logical...Now: $30.00Was: $107.70 -
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The Word Set in Stone: How Archaeology, Science and History Back Up the Bible - 5 Copies For $30
Now: $30.00Was: $131.70Anti-Christians have a lot of slick, smart-sounding attacks against the Faith, and their favorite target is the Bible.How can you really believe that Moses parted the Red Sea? they’ll ask. What makes you think Abraham, Joseph, and King David were...Now: $30.00Was: $131.70 -
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Heart of the Gospel: How the Beatitudes Show Us God's Plan for Happiness - 5 Copies For $30
Now: $30.00Was: $89.75“Blessed are the_____”Many of us can fill in the blank with a list memorized in Sunday school or catechism class. The meek, the poor in spirit, something about those who are reviled… and that’s it. These Beatitudes are a nice bit...Now: $30.00Was: $89.75 -
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The Early Church Was the Catholic Church - 5 Copies for $30!
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $84.75When it comes to the history of Christianity, the Catholic Church makes a pretty bold claim: that the earliest Christians were Catholics—and that their beliefs and practices have continued unbroken all the way to the present-day Church. But the...Now: $30.00Was: $84.75 -
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Always a Catholic: How to Keep Your Kids in the Faith for Life—and Bring Them Back If They Have Strayed - 5 Copies for $30
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $79.75Most Catholic parents agree: our number-one goal in life is to pass on the Faith to our children. But here’s the bad news: today’s world has a million ways to steal your kids’ souls. From sects to sex, from atheism to consumerism,...Now: $30.00Was: $79.75 -
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Light and Leaven: The Challenge of the Laity in the Twenty-First Century - 5 For $30
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $109.75Bishop Joseph Strickland is one of the Church’s boldest and most courageous leaders. His outspoken support of orthodox faith and morals, the sanctity of unborn life, and reforming Catholic institutions have made him a hero even to Catholics outside...Now: $30.00Was: $109.75 -
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With One Accord: Affirming Catholic Teaching Using Protestant Principles - 5 Copies for $30
Catholic Answers Press
Now: $30.00Was: $79.75“All these with one accord devoted themselves to prayer” (Acts 1:14). The apostles and early Christians believed and worshiped in unity—in doctrine and practice following Jesus’ wish that “they may be one” (John...Now: $30.00Was: $79.75