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Hail Mary, Conceived Without Sin
Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” First John 1:8 adds, “If any man says he has no sin he is a liar and the truth is not in him.” These texts could not be clearer for millions of Protestants: “How could anyone believe Mary was free from all sin in light of these Scripture passages? What’s more, Mary herself said, ‘My soul rejoices in God my savior’ in Luke 1:47. She clearly understood herself to be a sinner if she admits to needing a savior.”The Catholic An
Dec 4th 2020
Advent Apologetics: What is the “Word of God”?
The term word of God refers to God’s divine revelation to humanity, in which he reveals himself to us for the sake of our salvation. The Vatican II document Dei Verbum (DV) explains: Through divine revelation, God chose to show forth and communicate himself and the eternal decisions of his will regarding the salvation of men. That is to say, he chose to share with them those divine treasures which totally transcend the understanding of the human mind (6). Christians generally agree that the full
Dec 3rd 2020
Advent Apologetics: How Can I Develop a Greater Devotion to the Eucharist?
The easiest way to develop a greater devotion to the Eucharist is to attend daily Mass, so you can partake of Christ’s body and blood on a regular basis. You can also take part in a holy hour at a local chapel that hosts perpetual adoration or “forty hours devotion.” This devotion takes place, as its name suggests, for forty hours after the sacrament is exposed. In Scripture, the number 40 symbolizes the transformation of holy people, such as when the Israelites wandered for forty years in
Dec 2nd 2020
Advent Apologetics: Does God Still Perform Miracles in the Church Today?
have been various kinds of miracles that make up the patrimony of the Catholic
Church. One category of such miracles is eucharistic miracles. Catholics
believe every time a priest prays the words of consecration over the bread and
wine—“this is my body…this is my blood”—the substance of bread and wine (what
it is) changes into Jesus’ body, blood, soul, and divinity while the accidents
of bread and wine (how it appears) remain. The remaining presence of the bread
and wine’s accidenta
Dec 1st 2020
Advent Apologetics: How is it Possible for God to Become a Man?
The mystery of
the Incarnation, or the mystery of God’s becoming man, is not something that
can easily be understood by finite human minds. However, just as we
can’t fully comprehend God himself but can at least understand him at a certain
elementary level, so can we also have a basic understanding of
how it is not logically impossible for God to become man in the divine person
of Jesus Christ.As
we have already seen, Christians believe that God is
a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spir
Nov 30th 2020