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Your Ascension Thursday Reflection: Preparing a Place for Us
Please enjoy this Ascension Thursday devotion from our brand-new devotional by Mike Aquilina and Adam Lucas,
Feasts 0f Our Fathers: Praying the Church Year with the Early Christians, out now.Christ’s Ascension: A New Path
In his commentary on the Gospel of John, St. Cyril of Alexandria reminds us that what happens to Christ affects the whole human race; and so, as Christ is raised up to heaven, he brings us with him into paradise.
Reflect:Mark 16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:6-11
May 8th 2024
St. John's Gospel and the Archaeological Record
The Historical Credibility of John’s Gospel
Ironically, though the Gospel of John has subject matter that can be subjected to archaeological examination, many seem to think the book is almost entirely non-historical and confines itself to theology and a sort of vague accompanying or underlying Greek-influenced philosophy. Some have even opined that topographical aspects of the Gospel are only symbolic. It’s a classic example of presuppositions leading folks astray.
It’s true that John’s Gospel
Aug 3rd 2023
Advent Apologetics: What is the “Word of God”?
The term word of God refers to God’s divine revelation to humanity, in which he reveals himself to us for the sake of our salvation. The Vatican II document Dei Verbum (DV) explains: Through divine revelation, God chose to show forth and communicate himself and the eternal decisions of his will regarding the salvation of men. That is to say, he chose to share with them those divine treasures which totally transcend the understanding of the human mind (6). Christians generally agree that the full
Dec 3rd 2020