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Are We Superior to the Early Christians?
The Argument for the Great Apostasy
If the early Church was the Catholic Church, why can’t we say that Christians just lost their way early on? That’s the argument many Mormon and Protestant theologians make. In Mormon theology, this idea is expressed in terms of a Great Apostasy that followed the death of the apostles:
Following the death of Jesus Christ, wicked people persecuted and killed many Church members. Other Church members drifted from the principles taught by Jesus Christ
Jul 15th 2024
The Bible’s Table of Contents
The Canon of Scripture and Its Origin
The clearest example of
a sacred Tradition that both Catholics
and Protestants accept is the canon of Scripture. The word
canon comes from a Greek word that means “rule,” and refers to the Church’s
list of inspired writings. You can find this list
in the table of contents of every Catholic or Protestant Bible.The
canon of Scripture was first declared
in Rome in A.D. 382and was later defined at two Catholic councils in North Africa(Hippo
in A.D.
Sep 18th 2023