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Answering the Jesus Question
When I was deciding whether or not I should be a Christian, I made sure to read about as many other religions as I could. At first it was overwhelming to compare the teachings of faiths like Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism to Christianity, but then I noticed they all had one thing I could compare: a teaching about Jesus Christ.Almost every major world religion has a teaching about the identity of Jesus. Jews say Jesus was a human teacher, Muslims say he was a prophet, and Hindus and Buddhists
May 22nd 2024
Answering Challenges to the Resurrection
The Resurrection: A Historical Examination
The Bible says that if Jesus did not rise from the dead then the Christian faith is worthless (1 Cor. 15:17).
However, if Jesus did rise from the dead then we know Jesus can keep his promise to give everyone who follows him eternal life (1 John 2:25). But how can we know that Jesus really rose from the dead and that the Bible’s description of this miracle wasn’t just a story someone made up?
One way is by showing that the Resurrection is
May 4th 2024
Finding Mary in the Old Testament
Literal References to the Virgin Mary in Scripture
The most obvious references to the Virgin Mary are those that mention her explicitly.
These may be few, but they are the most important. Literal references take priority in any doctrinal discussion and are the basis for all other ways of reading Scripture.
The Protestant theologian Daniel Migliore reminds us to keep in mind:
The Gospel writers were not interested in supplying us with material for a biography of Mary any mo
Jan 2nd 2024
The Necessity of Tradition
The Role of Sacred Tradition in Early Christianity
The first Christians didn’t learn their faith from the Bible
because none of the books of the New Testament had been written yet. This is
evident in Paul thanking the Corinthians for “maintain[ing] the traditions even as I have
delivered them to you” (1 Cor. 11:2),
and instructing his disciple Timothy,“what you have heard from me before
many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”
(2 Tim. 2:2).
Paul thanked the
Oct 16th 2023
The Bible’s Table of Contents
The Canon of Scripture and Its Origin
The clearest example of
a sacred Tradition that both Catholics
and Protestants accept is the canon of Scripture. The word
canon comes from a Greek word that means “rule,” and refers to the Church’s
list of inspired writings. You can find this list
in the table of contents of every Catholic or Protestant Bible.The
canon of Scripture was first declared
in Rome in A.D. 382and was later defined at two Catholic councils in North Africa(Hippo
in A.D.
Sep 18th 2023