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Sola Scriptura Turns Protestant Understandings of the Bible into a Novelty
Protestant View on Scripture Interpretation
Protestants Say: Scripture is self-interpreting; therefore, the believer’s private interpretation is what the Holy Spirit intended.
Catholic Response to Self-Interpretation of Scripture
The Catholic Response: This assertion is problematic for several reasons.
First, the Bible nowhere says it is self-interpreting; rather, it explicitly states or shows that it is not. See for example 2 Chron. 17:7-9; Neh. 8:1-9; Matt. 13:18-23; Luke 24:27, 45;
Nov 6th 2024
Historical Reality Versus Mythical Fantasies
The Gospel vs. Myths and Fiction
Unlike myths, the gospel is based on historical facts. It is not “Jesus and the Seven Dwarves.” Its events are attested, chronicled, archived, preserved. They are not fiction, and neither are they a parable that uses fiction to convey moral lessons or wishful thinking. The gospel is not real because it’s intellectually satisfying or because it provides emotional consolation. It is not real because it’s a cherished family tradition. It is not real b
Nov 6th 2024
What is Christian Faith?
The Nature of Faith: Trust in Relationships
In general,
faith can be understood as the acceptance of something as true based on the trustworthiness of the one revealing it. Any kind of deep friendship requires a trust between friends. Otherwise, the relationship will remain superficial, without any deep intimacy and communication of what is most important to both. In true friendship, each person speaks from the heart, revealing what is of deep significance. To accept as true what a frien
Nov 5th 2024
Answering the Jesus Question
When I was deciding whether or not I should be a Christian, I made sure to read about as many other religions as I could. At first it was overwhelming to compare the teachings of faiths like Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism to Christianity, but then I noticed they all had one thing I could compare: a teaching about Jesus Christ.Almost every major world religion has a teaching about the identity of Jesus. Jews say Jesus was a human teacher, Muslims say he was a prophet, and Hindus and Buddhists
May 22nd 2024
What is Baptism?
The Transformative Power of Baptism
Baptism is the sacrament in which believers are “reborn as sons of God” (CCC 1213) by “water and Spirit” (John 3:5). It incorporates us into the Mystical Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13) and makes us sharers in the mission of the Church (CCC 1213). “Just as the gestation of our first birth took place in water,” the Catechism adds, “so the water of baptism truly signifies that our birth into the divine life is given to us in the Holy Spirit” (694). This divin
Mar 3rd 2024