Catholic Answers Press

He is With Us! (MP3)

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Our Lord promised, “I will be with you until the end of the age,” but many Catholics, perhaps most, do not appreciate the fulfillment of this promise in the “source and summit" of our Catholic Faith, the Holy Eucharist. Even now a profound disagreement over what constitutes worthiness to receive Holy Communion threatens the unity of the Church's shepherds.

Our Lord’s words, however, could not be more clear: This is my body. This is the chalice of my blood. Eucharistic faith is essential, and Catholics ignore the reality that Christ is truly with us at their peril. Drawing on his own experiences as a bishop in a time of crisis, His Excellency will reveal how he could not discharge the duties of his office were it not for the hours he spends in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, immersed in the mystery of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, fully God, fully man, and fully present among us.


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Bishop Joseph Strickland
MP3, 55 minutes
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