Catholic Answers Press

Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issue

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Are you scared to talk about abortion?

Don’t worry—almost everyone is. Either we think the subject is too impolite, or we don’t want to be branded an intolerant fanatic, or we’re afraid we won’t represent the pro-life side well enough. Whatever the reason for this fear, it causes many of us pass up opportunities to speak out on behalf of the unborn.

You can overcome this fear, says Trent Horn in his new book Persuasive Pro-Life. With a little knowledge and a few proven techniques, you can become a bold and effective apologist for life.

Drawing on over a decade as a pro-life organizer, Horn helps you cut through the diversions and obfuscations of the “pro-choice” side in order to accurately frame the legal, historical, and medical issue surrounding abortion. Then he demonstrates—with vivid personal examples from his years of campus activism—the importance of being charitable in all abortion debates, no matter how strident the other side might be. We must be not just warriors for the pro-life cause, he says, but ambassadors for it.

Then Horn leads you a guided tour of the many types of pro-abortion opponent or inquirer (“the pragmatist,” “the skeptic,” “the conflicted”) along with more real-life examples. In each case he teaches you specific approaches—what to say, what not to say, and how to bear yourself—that are custom-tailored to every situation.

The struggle over abortion has never been hotter, and the stakes could not be higher.

Read Persuasive Pro-Life today and never again be afraid to speak up for the precious and fundamental right to life.


“Trent Horn really knows how to get people thinking and talking about abortion. Persuasive Pro-Life is an invaluable handbook for anyone who wants to become more skilled at defending the humanity of the preborn.” —Lila Rose, President, Live Action

“I am so grateful for this book! It brilliantly combines reason and compassion in order to build up a culture of life.” —Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

"To change hearts and minds on abortion, it’s not enough to be passionately pro-life. You also have to be intelligently pro-life, and that means knowing who you’re talking to and how to reach them. Trent Horn shares over a decade of experience on the front lines of the abortion debate, teaching pro-lifers how approach the discussion with confidence, charity, and effectiveness." —Eric Scheidler, Executive director, Pro-life Action League

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Trent Horn
Softcover, 336 pages
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8 Reviews

  • 5


    Posted by Amy on Mar 9th 2023

    I did not realize half of the arguments in this book were being used, and then halfway through the book I had a coworker use some of them on me. I was very happy to not be blindsided by her arguments and to start a conversation searching for truth. This is not my favorite book by Trent Horn, but his years of experience really shine in it. I am excited to read his second edition of this book after the overturn of Roe v Wade!

  • 4


    Posted by Anthony Skinner on Aug 8th 2022

    I haven't finished the book yet, rather I just got an email from Catholic Answers asking me to review it. I am pleased with my purchase. This is a great resource for people at any level though I would say it is primarily aimed at people on the newer side. If I had one gripe I'd say that it focuses a little too much on 'winning' the debate. He tends to discount any argument that gets away from the central question ("Is the fetus a human life?"). I understand his reasoning for this, however I believe that he ought to have espoused the potential good of using other arguments depending on the person you are debating. I would say this book comes very much from a professional debater and not as much from someone necessarily trying to convince their pro-choice feminist aunt. This isn't to say that he is lacking empathy or searching only to "DESTROY" the other person's arguments, but I believe he does lean slightly more towards that. However I will note that of course Mr. Trent Horn has far more experience with debating abortion compared to the none that I have. I simply say this because I just heard Abigail Favale mentioning the success she has had with feminists when going at the argument from the manner in which abortion harms the woman. (I do understand Mr. Horn's reasoning for his focus on the central argument, though, and do not necessarily disagree that this is the way to go, just a thought I had.) Finally I probably would have preferred if the book had been written slightly less conversationally, but that is personal. Overall I have really enjoyed the book so far and gathered some good tactics.

  • 5

    Very Excellently written.

    Posted by Bonnie Talley on Feb 7th 2022

    Nicely written

  • 5

    Easy read, clear and gets to the heart of the matter.

    Posted by Ann Olney on Nov 10th 2020

    Trent Horn is an excellent author. This is easy to read, clear and understandable to a lay person. I have shared this book and purchased it for our Family care center as a learning tool.

  • 5

    Either or

    Posted by Anthony Granado on Jul 29th 2020

    Wether you want to read it cover to cover, or you are looking for precise examples and tips on certain topics to flip through; this book is perfect for either purpose.

  • 5

    A Fantastic Pro-life Resource

    Posted by Pat on Apr 26th 2020

    Wow, what a fantastic pro-life resource! This book is jam-packed with information, easily the most comprehensive work that I’ve come across in my pro-life reading. As Trent mentions in the acknowledgment, not all of the techniques and arguments presented in the book are original or his own (although I certainly found many new and helpful insights in the book). What makes this book so special is its comprehensive nature and organization. Each section of the book is organized to address the particular perspective of the pro-choice person with whom you are engaging, including the most common objections to the pro-life position. Once you know the perspective/approach that they are bringing to the discussion, this book helps you respond with concise and logical arguments for the pro-life position. Trent also offers great advice for effectively engaging in conversation with others about this challenging topic. This book is so filled with content, although I’ve read it cover to cover, I know that I’ll coming back to it as a reference work for years to come. I’ve made bulk purchases to share with pro-life friends all of whom have appreciated the book. Bring a few copies along to your next pro-life ministry meeting at church, or to the next Forty Days for Life or similar vigil that you attend. Thank you, Trent for such a definitive work supporting a culture of life!

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    Great techniques and brief overview of common arguments

    Posted by Renjith Joseph on Feb 11th 2020

    Trent Horn gives several solid techniques to engaging people who hold a 'pro-choice' view. He also gives a brief overview of the common arguments from such people and shows how these techniques can be applied. All of this is done by attacking the topic and not the person. This is a great resource for anyone interested in apologetics.

  • 5

    persuasive pro-life

    Posted by Joel Wester on Jul 24th 2019

    I like this book as it seems to be comprehensive in regards to defending life. I need to study it to be able to have a good command of the literature but realize I have to rely on the Holy Spirit to assist me. I like the urging to be compassionate in listening to the pro choice aspects.

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