
The Seven Big Myths About the Catholic Church

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The Roman Catholic Church has long been the target of suspicion and hostility. But how much of this is based on ignorance and prejudice and how much is the fruit of thoughtful consideration of the facts?

This book separates fact from fiction. Without excusing or justifying wrongdoing, author Christopher Kaczor clarifies official Catholic teaching and demonstrates that much popular opinion about Catholicism is based on misunderstanding and misinformation. He also provides robust and lucid arguments for Catholic belief and practice.

No one book can answer everyone's questions or objections about Catholicism, but this work examines seven of the most controversial and most common myths about the Catholic Church.

The Seven Myths:

  • The Church Opposes Science: The Myth of Catholic Irrationality
  • The Church Opposes Freedom and Happiness: The Myth of Catholic Indifference to Earthly Welfare
  • The Church Hates Women: The Myth of Catholic Misogyny
  • Indifferent to Love, the Church Banned Contraception: The Myth of Opposition between Love and Procreation
  • The Church Hates Gays: The Myth of Catholic "Homophobia"
  • The Church Opposes Same-Sex Marriage Because of Bigotry: The Myth That There Is No Rational Basis for Limiting Marriage to One Man and One Woman
  • Priestly Celibacy Caused the Crisis of Sexual Abuse of Minors: The Myth of Priestly Pedophilia
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Christopher Kaczor
Hardcover, 164 pgs
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