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Just What Is a Gospel?
The four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are our principal sources of information about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For two thousand years, they have nourished the faith of Christians across the world. In our own, skeptical age, the Gospels still have a unique place. Even those who don’t regard Jesus with the eyes of faith acknowledge that he is the most influential man ever to have lived, having left a major mark on history, culture, and language. There is tremendous confusion about the
Dec 21st 2024
The Promise of the Beginning Is Fulfilled in the End
Original sin introduced disharmony into the world on three levels. On each level, there is an effect on the relational aspects of human existence. The first level of disharmony is between the human race and God—demonstrated by Adam hiding from his Creator. On the second level, human beings are out of harmony with each other, beginning with the primary unity between husbands and wives. Adam blames Eve, and woman will now suffer male dominance that God did not intend. And finally, the human race
Dec 16th 2024
How to Become a Saint
As we
continue our inquiry as to what it means to be a saint, we need to answer the
question: “How does someone become a saint?” The answer
depends on precisely what is meant by saint.
If saint is taken to refer to simply
being united to Christ (and thus a Christian), then the answer is baptism.St. Paul
teaches in 1 Corinthians 12:13, “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks,
slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.” The one body Paul writes of here re
Dec 11th 2024
Can a Christian Lose His or Her Salvation?
Can you lose your salvation?Some Protestants believe in the doctrine of “Eternal Security” and would say no.Catholics take a different view.Apologist Karlo Broussard tells us Galatians 5:4 is a go-to text for Catholics when it comes to defending the belief that Christians can lose their salvation:You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.Notice that St. Paul says the Galatians were “severed from Christ” and that they have “fallen away fro
Dec 5th 2024
What Procedure Should We Use When Interpreting a Prophetic Text in Scripture?
By its nature, prophecy can be difficult to interpret. It uses many symbols, and these can be taken in more than one way.The key to understanding biblical prophecy is to determine itsliteralsense—that is, what it meant in itsoriginalcontext, what the prophet was trying to communicate to his audience for their benefit. Normally Old Testament prophecies have their primary fulfillment within the generation to which they were given or within a few generations. However, they can have additional fulfi
Nov 29th 2024