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She Walked in Uncertain and Afraid, She Walked Out a Disciple
The Importance of Reading the Bible
Throughout my priestly ministry, I have always encouraged people to read the Bible. At a time when God, his revelation, and sacred teachings are distorted and redefined, it is a safe first practice to lead people to the Bible. By reading it, a person encounters a living word. He sees and hears God on his own terms, from his own deeds and words. Although more teaching will be needed, this initial practice of reading the Bible can dispel false images, co
Oct 8th 2024
The Curious Case of Camels
The Skeptics’ Claims
So Jacob arose, and set his sons and his wives on camels.—Genesis 31:17
Many biblical skeptics have claimed that camels in the Bible are anachronistic and portrayed in ways that are historically inaccurate. For example, a transcript of a National Public Radio show proclaims:
"Camels as a means of transportation abound in the Old Testament. When Abraham sends a servant to look for a bride for his son Isaac, that servant chooses Rebecca. And why? Because of her kind
Mar 25th 2024
The Unbiblical Idea of Sola Scriptura
Stay in the Catholic Church?
After I became a Christian
I struggled with whether I should keep attending a
Catholic Church.
As I sat in church and watched incense rise
from the altar, I felt an urge to stay and be part of what
like a sacred mystery.On the other
hand, there were a lot of Catholic beliefs
I could not find in the Bible, which made me think they
were just man-made
I eventually decided that it didn’t
matter which church I joined so long as I only
Oct 2nd 2023
Does the Number of Books in Your Bible Really Matter?
One evening I had the sad duty of attending my neighbor’s funeral. The assistant pastor from the church stood up and after a few remarks about the deceased began to give a sermon. The first ten minutes was dedicated to how he knew that my neighbor believed in Jesus and was in heaven, so there was no need to pray for her or offer Masses or anything like that. The next thirty minutes or so (it’s difficult to tell since it seemed like eternity) was dedicated to explaining why it doesn&
Feb 13th 2023
The Mysterious Book of Enoch
The book of Jude contains some of the most mysterious and intriguing passages in the New Testament.One occurs when Jude warns against a group of Christians who have given themselves over to immorality. After several metaphors illustrating their spiritual state and future judgment, he writes:It was of these also that Enoch in the seventh generation from Adam prophesied, saying, “Behold, the Lord came with myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all
Jan 4th 2021