What the Catholic Church is Not
When a person is contemplating whether to become or remain Catholic, he may struggle to understand or to agree with certain theological or moral doctrines. He may be concerned about aspects of the Church’s liturgy or popular piety, or perhaps the clergy sex abuse scandals represent enormous roadblocks. Sometimes there are more personal and less rational hang-ups like the prospect of being anonymous in an enormous, impersonal parish. Or maybe it’s fear of going to confession.
Mar 5th 2025
Answering Challenges to the Resurrection
The Resurrection: A Historical Examination
The Bible says that if Jesus did not rise from the dead then the Christian faith is worthless (1 Cor. 15:17).
However, if Jesus did rise from the dead then we know Jesus can keep his promise to give everyone who follows him eternal life (1 John 2:25). But how can we know that Jesus really rose from the dead and that the Bible’s description of this miracle wasn’t just a story someone made up?
One way is by showing that the Resurrection is
May 4th 2024
Confusion In the Kingdom
Controversy Over Fr. James Martin's Comments
Have you ever met someone who says something controversial and then acts as though he had said something mundane and wonders why everyone is getting so upset? If not, just follow the work of Fr. James Martin, and you’ll have many opportunities to become acquainted with this routine.
For example, on January 21, 2023, the Catholic League tweeted about transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, widely recognized as married to another man named Chasten,
Mar 4th 2024
Why I Left the Catholic Church for Orthodoxy (And Why I Came Back)
Fulfilling Our Deepest LongingI still remember feeling betrayed by the Catholic Church.I became a Catholic in 2012 because I was convinced that the Church checked out on paper. I was able to see the biblical, historical, and rational reasons for its claims. However, I soon began to notice a wide chasm between the Catholic Church as described in theory and the Church as seen in action. I came to call it a conflict between “paper Catholicism” and “experiential Catholicism.” The cognitive dissonanc
Oct 31st 2023
“Where is that in the Bible?”
The Question of "Where is that in the Bible?"
“Where is that in the Bible?”
This is the most common question I receive when I discuss the Catholic faith with Protestants. They ask me questions like: “Where is purgatory in the Bible? Or the Mass? Or the pope? Or the rosary?”
These questions assume that Christians should only believe a doctrine if it is explicitly taught in Scripture—what is called sola scriptura (“by Scripture alone”). The 1647 Protestant Westminster Confession of Faith expr
May 15th 2023