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Rising Like Incense to Heaven
Sacraments of Grace and Strength
In the weeks leading up to my reception into the Catholic Church, I prepared to not only to be baptized, but also to be confirmed. The sacrament of baptism uses water to communicate grace that takes away sin, while the sacrament of confirmation uses hands that spread oil across the forehead. This oil seals the person with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help him live out the Catholic faith. Hebrews 6:2 alludes to this sacrament when it says how,
Dec 12th 2023
Answering Questions About the Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception and God’s Election
The Immaculate Conception.
For non-Catholics, this dogma of the Church may be one of the most misunderstood doctrines there is.
Here are some common questions Catholics get, and how to respond to them:
Temptation, Suffering, and Mary’s Humanity
Question:Why does Mary have to be holy at the moment of her conception instead of being purified shortly before God chooses her to be his mother?
Response:God chooses and elects those w
Dec 8th 2023