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The Synthesis of All Heresies
Navigating Disagreements Among Catholics
“Trent, can you respond to what this Catholic said online? It’s just really confusing.”
Normally, I don’t like to nitpick other Catholics, even if I don’t agree with their approach toward sharing our faith. I don’t want to spend time arguing about matters Catholics are free to disagree about, especially since Scripture condemns this kind of quarreling and infighting. St. Paul said,“Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise y
Apr 17th 2024
Confusion In the Kingdom
Controversy Over Fr. James Martin's Comments
Have you ever met someone who says something controversial and then acts as though he had said something mundane and wonders why everyone is getting so upset? If not, just follow the work of Fr. James Martin, and you’ll have many opportunities to become acquainted with this routine.
For example, on January 21, 2023, the Catholic League tweeted about transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, widely recognized as married to another man named Chasten,
Mar 4th 2024
The Necessity of Tradition
The Role of Sacred Tradition in Early Christianity
The first Christians didn’t learn their faith from the Bible
because none of the books of the New Testament had been written yet. This is
evident in Paul thanking the Corinthians for “maintain[ing] the traditions even as I have
delivered them to you” (1 Cor. 11:2),
and instructing his disciple Timothy,“what you have heard from me before
many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also”
(2 Tim. 2:2).
Paul thanked the
Oct 16th 2023
The Bible’s Table of Contents
The Canon of Scripture and Its Origin
The clearest example of
a sacred Tradition that both Catholics
and Protestants accept is the canon of Scripture. The word
canon comes from a Greek word that means “rule,” and refers to the Church’s
list of inspired writings. You can find this list
in the table of contents of every Catholic or Protestant Bible.The
canon of Scripture was first declared
in Rome in A.D. 382and was later defined at two Catholic councils in North Africa(Hippo
in A.D.
Sep 18th 2023
Need Help Defending Christmas?
Christians Borrowed Christmas and Easter from PagansEvery spring just before Easter,
major news organizations run stories “debunking” one of the central tenets of
the Christian faith—Jesus’ resurrection. Some take the form of an interview with
a supposed biblical expert who puts forth reasons to doubt the Gospels’ veracity
concerning the Resurrection; others breathlessly report some archaeological “discovery”
that supposedly disproves the Resurrection, such as an ossuary that contains
Dec 6th 2018