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The Food Which Endures to Eternal Life
Filling in the Gaps about the Eucharist
We read of Jesus instituting the Eucharist in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, as well as in St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. John gives us something different, which is not surprising: John wrote his Gospel long after the other three, and he assumes you’ve read them already. His Gospel is meant as a sort of “gap-filler,” covering important moments in the life of Jesus that nobody else had written down yet. He offers us the “t
Nov 6th 2023
A Five-Part Test for Your Eucharistic Beliefs
Understanding the Eucharist
How can you tell if you have the right understanding—the biblical interpretation, Jesus’ interpretation—of the Eucharist?
I’d suggest five things to look for: your beliefs should be strange,sacrificial,serious,sacramental, and shocking.
First, as we’ve already seen, the proper Christian understanding of the Eucharist must be strange, and hard to accept. That’s how it was initially received, and Jesus did nothing to dispel this impression. Why, he was trying to p
Jul 27th 2023
The Servant of the Servants of God
Perhaps the clearest teaching on the papacy is at the Last Supper. That may surprise some readers. After all, there’s an all too common misconception that the Catholic claim for the papacy boils down entirely to Jesus’ words to Peter in Matthew 16:18 (“upon this rock, I will build my church”) and the identification of the rock with Peter himself. To be sure, we’ll cover that ground later, but it’s more important to start with the Last Supper. It’s there, after all, that we find the Twelve arguin
Jun 29th 2020