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Mary's Rapture
Roots of Mary’s Assumption
Some are surprised that the doctrine of Mary’s bodily assumption was not defined until 1950, using little biblical support. The pope decreed that all Catholics must hold and believe as divinely revealed “that the immaculate Mother of God, the Ever-Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory” (Munificentissimus Deus44).
Yet this doctrine was no twentieth-century innovation, as Tim Perry explai
Feb 8th 2024
Finding Mary in the Old Testament
Literal References to the Virgin Mary in Scripture
The most obvious references to the Virgin Mary are those that mention her explicitly.
These may be few, but they are the most important. Literal references take priority in any doctrinal discussion and are the basis for all other ways of reading Scripture.
The Protestant theologian Daniel Migliore reminds us to keep in mind:
The Gospel writers were not interested in supplying us with material for a biography of Mary any mo
Jan 2nd 2024
Holy Mary, Mother of God?
Is Mary the Mother of God?
Let's look at one argument non-Catholics use against this claim, and how to respond.
The belief that Mary is the mother of God is not unique to Catholicism. The vast majority of Christians accept this dogma, with only a minority of people in the Protestant community objecting. One text that is appealed to in support of this belief is Luke 1:43. There, Elizabeth, inspired by the Holy Spirit, exclaims to Mary, who just arrived in her presence, “Why is this
Apr 21st 2023