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Sola Scriptura Turns Protestant Understandings of the Bible into a Novelty
Protestant View on Scripture Interpretation
Protestants Say: Scripture is self-interpreting; therefore, the believer’s private interpretation is what the Holy Spirit intended.
Catholic Response to Self-Interpretation of Scripture
The Catholic Response: This assertion is problematic for several reasons.
First, the Bible nowhere says it is self-interpreting; rather, it explicitly states or shows that it is not. See for example 2 Chron. 17:7-9; Neh. 8:1-9; Matt. 13:18-23; Luke 24:27, 45;
Nov 6th 2024
Did the Early Christians Get Things Wrong?
The Claims of Early Christian Beliefs
You can find countless variations of the claim that early Christians believed Protestant things:
Mormons who claim that the early Christians believed Mormon things
Muslims who claim they believed Muslim things
Non-religious people claiming that they didn’t originally consider Jesus divine
And various other religious groups making similar claims about how their teachings were what the earliest Christians really believed.
Almost all
Jul 1st 2024
“Where is that in the Bible?”
The Question of "Where is that in the Bible?"
“Where is that in the Bible?”
This is the most common question I receive when I discuss the Catholic faith with Protestants. They ask me questions like: “Where is purgatory in the Bible? Or the Mass? Or the pope? Or the rosary?”
These questions assume that Christians should only believe a doctrine if it is explicitly taught in Scripture—what is called sola scriptura (“by Scripture alone”). The 1647 Protestant Westminster Confession of Faith expr
May 15th 2023
Does the Number of Books in Your Bible Really Matter?
One evening I had the sad duty of attending my neighbor’s funeral. The assistant pastor from the church stood up and after a few remarks about the deceased began to give a sermon. The first ten minutes was dedicated to how he knew that my neighbor believed in Jesus and was in heaven, so there was no need to pray for her or offer Masses or anything like that. The next thirty minutes or so (it’s difficult to tell since it seemed like eternity) was dedicated to explaining why it doesn&
Feb 13th 2023
Our Culture Is Facing a Reckoning
Despite the ruins of the Sexual Revolution being all around us, many Protestants are doubling down—not only continuing to support contraception, but starting to embrace other related practices that have historically been considered grave sins. And as usual, theirsola scripturaapproach is allowing them to re-interpret Scripture to find justification. For example, the debate over homosexuality and same-sex “marriage” in Protestantism is taking an almost identical trajectory to t
Jan 16th 2023