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What is the Immaculate Conception?
The Immaculate Conception refers to Mary’s preservation from original sin from the very moment of her conception. The formal definition of this dogma was given to the Church by Pope St. Pius IX in 1854:We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all
Jan 22nd 2025
The Most Frightening Passages in Scripture
Our life has only one of two ends: eternal life with Jesus Christ or eternal damnation with the Evil One. There is no middle ground, no compromised position, no neutral or safe space. There is no supposed “better place.” There is only heaven or hell. We choose by the way of life we live and follow where we will spend eternity. Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and
Jan 6th 2025
The Promise of the Beginning Is Fulfilled in the End
Original sin introduced disharmony into the world on three levels. On each level, there is an effect on the relational aspects of human existence. The first level of disharmony is between the human race and God—demonstrated by Adam hiding from his Creator. On the second level, human beings are out of harmony with each other, beginning with the primary unity between husbands and wives. Adam blames Eve, and woman will now suffer male dominance that God did not intend. And finally, the human
Dec 16th 2024
Not Just Spiritual: My Journey from Personal Religion to the Catholic Faith
People living in deep sin are not always the ones who are most in need of our help, but rather the people who think they’re doing well, when in actuality the opposite is true. Before my conversion to Catholicism, I was that person—outwardly functioning but spiritually sick. I considered myself to be a “good person.” I opened doors for strangers, volunteered, gave blood, recycled bottles and cans, and limited my consumption of plastic goods. I once drove all over town in
Nov 27th 2024
Your Ascension Thursday Reflection: Preparing a Place for Us
Please enjoy this Ascension Thursday devotion from our brand-new devotional by Mike Aquilina and Adam Lucas,
Feasts 0f Our Fathers: Praying the Church Year with the Early Christians, out now.Christ’s Ascension: A New Path
In his commentary on the Gospel of John, St. Cyril of Alexandria reminds us that what happens to Christ affects the whole human race; and so, as Christ is raised up to heaven, he brings us with him into paradise.
Reflect:Mark 16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:6-11
May 8th 2024