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The Synthesis of All Heresies
Navigating Disagreements Among Catholics
“Trent, can you respond to what this Catholic said online? It’s just really confusing.”
Normally, I don’t like to nitpick other Catholics, even if I don’t agree with their approach toward sharing our faith. I don’t want to spend time arguing about matters Catholics are free to disagree about, especially since Scripture condemns this kind of quarreling and infighting. St. Paul said,“Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise y
Apr 17th 2024
Why I Left the Catholic Church for Orthodoxy (And Why I Came Back)
Fulfilling Our Deepest LongingI still remember feeling betrayed by the Catholic Church.I became a Catholic in 2012 because I was convinced that the Church checked out on paper. I was able to see the biblical, historical, and rational reasons for its claims. However, I soon began to notice a wide chasm between the Catholic Church as described in theory and the Church as seen in action. I came to call it a conflict between “paper Catholicism” and “experiential Catholicism.” The cognitive dissonanc
Oct 31st 2023