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Do Faith and Reason Contradict Each Other?
Faith and Reason: Both Come from God
Both the truths of faith and truths of reason come ultimately from God, who is the truth. The Catechism, citing the first and second Vatican Councils, puts the point as follows:
“Though faith is above reason, there can never be any real discrepancy between faith and reason. Since the same God who reveals mysteries and infuses faith has bestowed the light of reason on the human mind, God cannot deny himself, nor can truth ever contradict truth.”
Nov 5th 2024
How to Respond When the World Tells Us We Can "Build Our Own Deity"
Cultural Resistance to Revelation
The necessity of revelation and of knowing God on his terms is not accepted in our culture today. A story can help illustrate this tension.
In our society, for decades bumper stickers have been used as a means of self-declaration. Beyond the popular Christian “fish” bumper sticker, and the reactionary Darwin one, we find all kinds of political, social, and religious statements on the bumpers of people’s cars. They were our original social media “walls” befor
Jun 22nd 2024
How Should Christians Respond to Atheists?
Engaging with Atheists Through Respectful Dialogue
From 2009 to 2011, I traveled the country as a pro-life missionary, engaging students at public universities in dialogue about abortion. I remember one student I met, named Violet, who said that she resented pro-lifers’ “pushing their religion” on her. I said that my case against abortion didn’t rely on religion, but that even if it did, why should that matter? Violet retorted, “Because I’m an atheist! I bet you can’t even give me one good reas
Sep 11th 2023