Faith Fundamentals
Honey from the Rock: Sixteen Jews Find the Sweetness of Christ
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$17.95Roy Schoeman, a Jewish convert to Catholicism, and best-selling author of Salvation Is From The Jews, once again shows the clear links between Judaism and Catholicism in these inspiring stories of sixteen Jews who became "fulfilled Jews", as Schoeman...$17.95 -
Happy are You Poor: The Simple Life and Spiritual Freedom
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$16.95To the modern mind, the concept of poverty is often confused with destitution. But destitution emphatically is not the Gospel ideal. A love-filled sharing frugality is the message, and Happy Are You Poor explains the meaning of this beatitude lived and...$16.95 -
Common Sense 101: Lessons from Chesterton
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$18.95Dale Ahlquist, the President of the American Chesterton Society, presents a book of wonderful insights on how to "look at the whole world through the eyes of Chesterton". Since, as he says, "Chesterton wrote about everything", there is an ocean of his...$18.95 -
Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$17.95David Currie was raised in a devout Christian family whose father was a fundamentalist preacher and both parents teachers at Moody Bible Institute. Currie's whole upbringing was immersed in the life of fundamentalist Protestantism - theology professors,...$17.95 -
From Islam to Christ: One Woman's Path through the Riddles of God
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$16.95Born and raised in Muslim Turkey, Derya Little wandered far and wide in search of her true home. After her parents' divorce, she rejected her family's Islamic faith and became an atheist. During her stormy adolescence, she tried to convince a Christian...$16.95 -
The New Relativism: Unmasking the Philosophy of Today's Woke Moralists
Catholic Answers Press
$16.95Do you remember when relativism was the nemesis of Christians and all people of right reason? This idea that “you have your truth and I have mine” was so pervasive and insidious that Pope Benedict XVI warned it was a...$16.95 -
The Word Set in Stone: How Archaeology, Science, and History Back Up the Bible
Catholic Answers Press
$21.95Anti-Christians have a lot of slick, smart-sounding attacks against the Faith, and their favorite target is the Bible.How can you really believe that Moses parted the Red Sea? they’ll ask. What makes you think Abraham, Joseph, and King David were...$21.95 -
When Protestants Argue Like Atheists: 12 Weird Ways That Anti-Catholics Mimic Secular Skeptics
Catholic Answers Press
$17.95Protestant apologists are usually our partners when it comes to defending the existence of God, the inerrancy of Scripture, traditional moral absolutes, and many other important truths. When arguing against atheism, they shrewdly call out the logical...$17.95 -
Heart of the Gospel: How the Beatitudes Show Us God's Plan for Happiness
Catholic Answers Press
$17.95“Blessed are the_____”Many of us can fill in the blank with a list memorized in Sunday school or catechism class. The meek, the poor in spirit, something about those who are reviled… and that’s it. These Beatitudes are a nice bit...$17.95 -
Por Que Somos Catolicos
Catholic Answers Press
$16.95The runaway bestseller is now available in Spanish How can you believe all this stuff? This is the number-one question Catholics get asked—and, sometimes, we ask ourselves. Why do we believe that God exists, that he became a man and...$16.95 -
Reading the Church Fathers: A History of the Early Church and the Development of Doctrine
Sophia Institute Press
$21.95Heresies, schisms, culture of death, persecutions, excommunications … While reflective of headlines from today, these difficulties roiled Christians of the early Church as well. In fact, the earliest Church manual, the Didache, brought clarity to...$21.95 -
From the Susquehanna to the Tiber
Ignatius Press on Catholic Answers Shop
$17.95Jeremy Christiansen offers an intimate account of life as a faithful—sometimes stumbling—member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Growing up in a small Mormon town, he served as a Mormon missionary for two years in...$17.95