In this issue:
- Why Go to Mass? by Marcellino D'Ambrosio – As uninspired as one's experience of Mass may be, a primer on what's actually occurring should foster a new appreciation of this most awesome gift -- And the necessity of attending.
- Workplace Witnesses by Kevin Lowry – YIf we really want to lead coworkers to Christ, we must first of all live lives of true Christian joy. Here's how to witness to others without running afoul of the HR department.
- Defending the Trinity by Tim Staples – Wherein our intrepid apologist leads us through a deep, biblical explication of the reality of the Trinity. Follow if you dare.
- Anglicans Come Home by Joanna Bogle – Whole communities of Anglican faithful are being received into the Church as Ordinariates. Here's a closer look at this ecumenical experience.
- And many more articles to help you better understand and share the Faith.
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