In this issue:
- Why Science Can't Do Away With God by Karlo Broussard -- Modern science assumes it can explain the material world without an appeal to a Creator, but Thomas Aquinas shows us why it can
- Rome and the Church by Jimmy Akin -- An overview of the history of the Roman Empire and how it impacted Jesus Christ and the religion he founded under the rule of the foreign conquerors
- Things Saints (and Others) Never Said by Trent Horn -- You'd be surprised at the famous saintly quotes that didn't come from saints. Why we should be accurate in our citations
- Five Myths About Spreading The Faith by Frederick Marks - In order to evangelize, we must shake off these mistaken beliefs that tell us faith is a private matter, or that one mustn't argue or "impose" one's ideas on others
- And many more articles to help you better understand and share the Faith.