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Where We Got the Bible (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$5.99Learn about the history of the Bible and the Church’s important role in preserving it. Are Catholics anti-Bible? Who compiled the biblical text? Who organized the text? How was the Bible preserved? What role does the Bible play in the...$5.99 -
The Salvation Controversy (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$9.99Questions relating to salvation -- especially faith versus works, but also penance, purgatory, indulgences, and free cooperation with God's grace -- have been sore points in the dialogue between Catholics and Protestants. Jimmy Akin knows and respects...$9.99 -
Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth: The Catholic Church and God's Plan for You (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$0.01Looking for the perfect tool to help you evangelize non-Catholics? Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth is a powerful, yet concise booklet that clearly defines the core beliefs of the Catholic faith! Each topic is easy to read and easy to understand. And...$0.01 -
Mass Appeal: The ABC's of Worship (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$0.99In the new revised edition of his booklet from Catholic Answers, Mass Appeal: the ABC's of Worship, Jimmy Akin masterfully walks you through the Mass from beginning to end, explaining precisely what is happening and -- more importantly -- why. In the...$0.99 -
Male and Female He Made Them (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$7.99Our society today is undergoing tremendous assaults on marriage and the family. Sadly, many people do not realize the extent to which their enemies are succeeding. If this attack continues unchecked, the consequences will be disastrous. The battle...$7.99 -
Islam: A Catholic Perspective (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$1.99Islam: A Catholic Perspective provides a concise overview of Islam -- and evaluates their history and beliefs from a Christian point of view. Using a balanced approach, this booklet gives Islam credit for its good points, without papering over the...$1.99 -
Home At Last (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$5.99Home At Last is a collection from Catholic Answers of eleven distinct and often startling accounts of conversion. Though volumes of convert stories have appeared in recent years, those who love the Catholic Church never tire of reading about how still...$5.99 -
Answering Jehovah's Witnesses (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$9.99Surprisingly enough, there has been no Catholic book about dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses at your door...until now. Jason Evert's Answering Jehovah's Witnesses walks you through the doctrines of the JWs, revealing where and why they're wrong--giving...$9.99 -
101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Sexuality (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$5.99The Church’s teaching on sexual morality – never will change because it never can change. In a world where modern culture treats sexuality as a theme park for adults instead of as a gift given to man and woman to share in the context of...$5.99 -
101 Quick Questions with Catholic Answers: Marriage, Divorce, and Annulments (Digital)
Catholic Answers Press
$5.99For Catholics, marriage isn’t just an institution: It’s a sacrament. In fact, almost 10 percent of the Code of Canon Law covers issues pertaining to marriage. But even if you don’t have the time to study all 111 marriage-related canons...$5.99