To some, the Catholic doctrine of purgatory is murky and mysterious—even scary. What is this shadowy state between earth and heaven supposed to be? Others wonder how it’s even possible for saved souls to be suffering in the afterlife if Jesus has already redeemed them.
No wonder that non-Christians imagine purgatory in sensationalistic ways and Protestants condemn it as an “unbiblical tradition of men.”
In Purgatory Is for Real, Catholic apologist Karlo Broussard (Meeting the Protestant Challenge) definitively tackles this most-misunderstood teaching, giving you the evidence and arguments to see (and explain to others) that purgatory is neither contrary to Scripture nor some fantastical dogma that Rome invented. Rather, it is firmly rooted in biblical truth and the faith and practice of the earliest Christians.
Even more importantly, Karlo shows that purgatory is not a cause for dread but a hopeful, even joyful sign of God’s love for us. It is a great consolation, a call for all Christians to pursue deeper holiness, and an opportunity to build loving solidarity with those who have gone before us
5 Reviews
Believe in His Mercy
As always, Karlo is very articulate and thorough in his chosen subjects. In this book he offers every possible example from Scripture and includes quotes and beliefs from the Old Testament, early Church fathers and Saints to prove the existence of purgatory and that it is a place not to fear, but Gods merciful way to cleanse us of our venial sins prior to Heaven. Highly recommended!
Thorough Explanation of Purgatory
I really enjoyed this book about a topic that can be difficult to fully understand. It was helpful how the author discussed Scripture passages which validated Purgatory as well as addressed those which did not appear to support it at first glance. I was also reassured to learn that Purgatory is not a state to be feared but something to be desired. It is one step closer to union with God forever! Thanks for this insightful book!
Purgatory is for Real
This is a fantastic resource for everyone, Catholics included, who don't really understand what Purgatory is.
Purgatory is for real
It is an excellent book in explaining what purgatory is all about.
I'll be honest - I am a new Catholic and dreading purgatory - I have much to account for as a former non-believer. It's comforting to know that Jesus offers us his infinite mercy. We may have to spend some time in boot camp to be able to sit at his feet in heaven, but we can get there. And it is comforting to know that we can help souls in purgatory by praying for them and accumulate graces for ourselves.