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Just What Is a Gospel?
The four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—are our principal sources of information about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For two thousand years, they have nourished the faith of Christians across the world. In our own, skeptical age, the Gospels still have a unique place. Even those who don’t regard Jesus with the eyes of faith acknowledge that he is the most influential man ever to have lived, having left a major mark on history, culture, and language. There is tremendous confusion about the
Dec 21st 2024
The Bible’s Table of Contents
The Canon of Scripture and Its Origin
The clearest example of
a sacred Tradition that both Catholics
and Protestants accept is the canon of Scripture. The word
canon comes from a Greek word that means “rule,” and refers to the Church’s
list of inspired writings. You can find this list
in the table of contents of every Catholic or Protestant Bible.The
canon of Scripture was first declared
in Rome in A.D. 382and was later defined at two Catholic councils in North Africa(Hippo
in A.D.
Sep 18th 2023
Does the Number of Books in Your Bible Really Matter?
One evening I had the sad duty of attending my neighbor’s funeral. The assistant pastor from the church stood up and after a few remarks about the deceased began to give a sermon. The first ten minutes was dedicated to how he knew that my neighbor believed in Jesus and was in heaven, so there was no need to pray for her or offer Masses or anything like that. The next thirty minutes or so (it’s difficult to tell since it seemed like eternity) was dedicated to explaining why it doesn’t matter whic
Feb 13th 2023
How Do We Know Which Books Early Christians Used in Liturgy?
As Valeriy Alikin of St. Petersburg Christian University explains,“Christians began to read apostolic epistles in their gatherings at the latest from the middle of the first century onwards.” At the end of his first letter to the Thessalonians, Paul instructs,“I adjure you by the Lord that this letter be read to all the brethren”(5:27). And after the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15, the leaders of theChurchsend Paul and St. Barnabas to Antioch with a letter addressed to“the brethren who are of
Mar 21st 2022
Tradition in the Early Church
At first, the apostles conducted their teaching mission in a purely oral form. Peter preached a sermon on Pentecost.He did not issue a pamphlet.By teaching orally, the apostles followed the example of Jesus, who didn’t author any books, letters, or treatises. Only once do the Gospels mention Jesus writing, and that was with his finger on the ground (John 8:6, 8). Communicating God’s word orally was the most effective way to do it. The great majority of people—even in Israel—were illiterate.
Dec 11th 2019