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Why Do Our Protestant Friends Have Smaller Bibles?
We recently sat down with Catholic Answers Senior Apologist Jimmy Akin, to talk about why the Bible is a Catholic book.
Q. Our Protestant friends often speak of “the word of God” as if it was limited to just the Bible. Is that true?
Jimmy: No. The Bible speaks of the “word of God” as being several different things. It certainly includes the Bible, but it also includes the word of God communicated to people orally—in the form of Tradition, as when the apostles preached the word to
Sep 17th 2019
"Don't Add to God's Word"
Every Catholic has heard the challenge:
“How can you believe that? Don’t you know the Bible says…”
It’s a challenge we have to meet. If we can’t reconcile apparent contradictions between Scripture and Catholic teaching, how can our own faith survive? And if we can’t help our Protestant brothers and sisters overcome their preconceptions about “unbiblical” Catholic doctrines and practices, how will they ever come to embrace the fullness of the Faith?
In this excerpts
Sep 11th 2019
A Whirlwind Tour Through the Old Testament
Scholars frequently discuss a concept known as the canon of Scripture.This is based on the Greek word kanôn, which means a rule or measuring rod. It came to mean an authoritative standard, and so the canon of Scripture is the collection of writings that are divinely authoritative.The Pentateuch was the first authoritative collection of books. These books tell how the people of Israel came to be, as well as God’s law for Israel, so they became the core books of Scripture for his people, and thus
Sep 4th 2019
The Bible, the Word of God, and You
The Bible can be intimidating.It’s a big, thick book—much longer than most books people read. It’s also ancient. The most recent part of it was penned almost 2,000 years ago. That means it’s not written in a modern style. It can seem strange and unfamiliar to a contemporary person. Even more intimidating is that it shows us our sins and makes demands on our lives.No wonder some people hesitate to take the plunge and start reading the Bible!But each of the things that can make it intimidating is
Aug 1st 2019