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Is There Really a Need for Penance? Didn't Jesus Pay for All Our Sins?
CHALLENGE: The value of Christ’s sacrifice was infinite. He paid it all. Therefore, there is no role for penance in the Christian life.DEFENSE: The value of Christ’s death on the cross was infinite—more than enough to pay for all the sins of mankind. But even after God has forgiven the eternal consequences of our sins, he wants us to experience some negative consequences.When a child misbehaves, there need to be consequences. If parents never applied any discipline, the child would never learn h
Feb 19th 2021
Are Protestants Closer to the Truths of Catholicism Than They Think?
To outsiders, Catholicism is weird.Protestants, especially, often have a hard time comprehending the Catholic world of popes, Mary statues, prayer cards, vestments, smells, bells, and Jesus’ actual body and blood in the Eucharist—especially if they have been taught that these are unbiblical additions to the pure Christian faith.Of course, all of Christianity can seem pretty weird, can’t it?All Christians believe in a God that is one yet somehow also three. We think that a man who is also God phy
Jul 20th 2020
Does The Mass Contradict or Fulfill Worshiping God “In Spirit And Truth”?
Do you subscribe to Catholic Answers Magazine?
It's time for you to subscribe and find out what all the fuss is about.But first, here's a Sneak Peek at an upcoming article by Joe Heschmeyer where he considers the question -
Does the Mass Contradict or Fulfill Worshiping God “In Spirit and Truth”?
One of the most commonly abused Bible verses by Protestants is John 4:24, in which Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that
“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
May 27th 2019
Polluting the Body: What to Tell Your Teen About Contraception
Contraception Advice for Big KidsWhile I was waiting for my 13-year-old son who was getting a
haircut, I started flipping through a women’s magazine and was drawn to a slick,
double-page ad for an implant contraceptive. A beautiful young woman with a
radiant smile beamed out from the page with all her potential life plans laid
out attractively: “get a job,” “find my own place,” “fall in love,” “save up,”
“take a trip,” “finish school" (interestingly, ”get married" was not
among the desired
Jan 9th 2019