The Eucharist Is Really Jesus
The Eucharist: Understanding Through Simple Stories
My old pastor gave a homily in which he talked about preparing a girl for First Communion. Her parents had been wondering if she was ready yet, so Father asked her to explain her understanding of the Eucharist.
She pointed to the large crucifix in the back of church and said, “That looks like Jesus, but isn’t. The Eucharist doesn’t look like Jesus, but is.” It’s hard to imagine a better or more succinct way o
Dec 30th 2024
Sola Scriptura Turns Protestant Understandings of the Bible into a Novelty
Protestant View on Scripture Interpretation
Protestants Say: Scripture is self-interpreting; therefore, the believer’s private interpretation is what the Holy Spirit intended.
Catholic Response to Self-Interpretation of Scripture
The Catholic Response: This assertion is problematic for several reasons.
First, the Bible nowhere says it is self-interpreting; rather, it explicitly states or shows that it is not. See for example 2 Chron. 17:7-9; Neh. 8:1-9; Matt. 13:18-23; Luke 24:27, 45;
Nov 6th 2024
Dupes, Deceivers, or… Catholics?
The Author in his own words:C.S. Lewis’s Trilemma: Liar, Lunatic, or Lord
In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis famously poses a trilemma, sometimes called the Liar, Lunatic, or Lord argument, which works like this:
Jesus presents himself as the Messiah, as the Son of God, and even as God. Given this, the three ways we can make sense of him are to conclude that he was delusional (believing he was God when he wasn’t), deceptive (knowing he wasn’t God but duping his followers into believing he w
Jul 29th 2024
Why Can Only Practicing Catholics Receive the Sacraments?
The Leadership Roles in the Old Covenant
In establishing his covenant with the Israelites, God also established three different leadership roles: priests, prophets, and kings. The role of the Israelite priests was to offer sacrifices as God described to Moses and his brother Aaron; Aaron and his descendants were to be the priests. The prophets were God’s spokesmen; he commissioned them to proclaim his laws and to warn the Israelites of the consequences when they violated these laws Beginn
May 28th 2024
Do You Want the Eucharist to Be True?
Do We Want the Eucharist to Be True?
I want first to address those who might still be unsure of whether to believe in the Eucharist. To them, I would ask (or you might ask), “Do you want the Eucharist to be true?”
Since our desires don’t make something true or not, that question may seem irrelevant, but it isn’t. Faith involves the intellect and the will. It’s not just about knowing, for instance, that God must logically exist. It’s about the heart saying “yes” to him and desiring him. If we
Nov 13th 2023