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The Most Frightening Passages in Scripture
Our life has only one of two ends: eternal life with Jesus Christ or eternal damnation with the Evil One. There is no middle ground, no compromised position, no neutral or safe space. There is no supposed “better place.” There is only heaven or hell. We choose by the way of life we live and follow where we will spend eternity. Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is
Jan 6th 2025
The Suffering of Purgatory is Bound Up with Joys Beyond This World
Among those throughout
the history of the Church who have written and spoken about purgatory, many
have emphasized the sorrows or pains. They have done so
rightly, since the sufferings of purgatory are real.However, I think it’s
safe to say some have over-emphasized the pains of purgatory, such that many
have lost sight of its joys. It’s important that we find a happy medium. St. Francis de Sales
taught, “If purgatory is a species of hell as regards suffering, it is a
species of paradise
Oct 27th 2020
Three Joyful Truths About Purgatory
In a tiny little church on the banks of the Tiber, called the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Patri (also known as the Church of the Sacred Heart of Suffrage), there’s a most curious collection of artifacts from four different European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy) —sixteen pieces of cloth, paper, or wood, all of which are claimed to bear the signs of the scorched hands and fingerprints of souls in purgatory, a postmortem temporary state of existence where the souls of t
Sep 20th 2020
Dealing With Questions About Purgatory
“How can you believe that? Don’t you know the Bible says…”It’s a challenge we have to meet. If we can’t reconcile apparent contradictions between Scripture and Catholic teaching, how can our own faith survive? And if we can’t help our Protestant brothers and sisters overcome their preconceptions about “unbiblical” Catholic doctrines and practices, how will they ever come to embrace the fullness of the Faith?In this excerpt from Meeting the Protestant Challenge, Karlo Broussard gives an example o
Feb 13th 2020
Is The Doctrine Of Hell Incompatible With God's Mercy?
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But first, here's a Sneak Peek at an upcoming article by Karlo Broussard where he considers whether the doctrine of hell is compatible with God being all-good and all-loving...
There is an online meme with a young adult couple that reads:
“If you don’t love me, I’ll make sure you burn forever. If it’s creepy when he says it, why is it beautiful when
May 27th 2019