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Holy Mary, Mother of God?
Is Mary the Mother of God?
Let's look at one argument non-Catholics use against this claim, and how to respond.
The belief that Mary is the mother of God is not unique to Catholicism. The vast majority of Christians accept this dogma, with only a minority of people in the Protestant community objecting. One text that is appealed to in support of this belief is Luke 1:43. There, Elizabeth, inspired by the Holy Spirit, exclaims to Mary, who just arrived in her presence, “Why is this
Apr 21st 2023
Advent Apologetics: How Could a Mother Be a Virgin?
Among others we could consider, we will examine three reasons why Mary was and continues to be both a virgin and mother. In Luke 1:34, when Mary was told by the angel Gabriel that she was chosen to be the mother of the Messiah, she asked the question, literally translated from the Greek, “How shall this be, since I know not man?” This question makes no sense unless Mary had professed a vow of virginity. When we consider that Mary and Joseph were already “espoused,” according to verse 27 of this
Dec 21st 2020
Advent Apologetics: Who Is “Mary of Nazareth?”
she became the most famous woman in the history of the world, Mary was born a
simple Jewish girl from a poor family in the house of David,i some 2,000 years
ago. When she was fourteen or fifteen years old, God chose her to be the mother
of Jesus Christ, God incarnate; this simple teenage girl, then became the
Mother of God.ii She was, as a matter of history, called to the unique task of
bringing the Messiah into the world.Mary is a sign to us all how God loves to
choose “what is we
Dec 6th 2020
Can Missing the Mark on Mary Distort Our Theology?
When I was on the outside looking in at the Catholic Church, I truly believed the emphasis on Mary in Catholic theology led to a loss of focus on Jesus. My aim, in speaking with Catholics, was not only to debunk Catholic theology’s many myths about Mary, but also to point them back to what really matters for salvation: Jesus Christ.Often I would say to them words that I have since heard many times from scores of well-meaning Protestant Christians: “We can agree to disagree about Mary. After all,
Nov 14th 2019