How Do Our Good Works and Prayers Benefit the Souls in Purgatory?
One mode is by way of intercessory prayer. Just as I can request that God help you grow in holiness in this life, by giving you graces to repent of your venial sins, to reorder your will toward him, and to inspire you to perform penitential actions to discharge your debt of temporal punishment, I can request that God help you in the next by bringing your final purification in purgatory to completion. The basis for this intercessory prayer, whether you’re here on earth or in purgatory, is the bon
Nov 20th 2020
The Suffering of Purgatory is Bound Up with Joys Beyond This World
Among those throughout
the history of the Church who have written and spoken about purgatory, many
have emphasized the sorrows or pains. They have done so
rightly, since the sufferings of purgatory are real.However, I think it’s
safe to say some have over-emphasized the pains of purgatory, such that many
have lost sight of its joys. It’s important that we find a happy medium. St. Francis de Sales
taught, “If purgatory is a species of hell as regards suffering, it is a
species of paradise
Oct 27th 2020