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The Idolatrous “My Jesus”
Biblically, an idol is anything to which we give the adoration and submission that are due to God alone. The ancient world worshiped personal idols, such as Zeus and Athena. Our contemporary world struggles with more spiritual idols, idols that are more discreet and seductive, such as pleasure, money, and power.Just as, in the early centuries after Christ, ancient peoples tried to retain their idolatry and impose it upon the gospel, leading to Christological heresies such as Docetism and Ariani
Feb 7th 2025
Advent Apologetics: Is There Any Evidence outside of the Bible That Jesus Was Real?
The first-century Jewish historian Josephus mentions Jesus twice in his monumental history of the Jewish people called Antiquities of the Jews. The shorter reference is in Book 20, where Josephus describes the stoning of lawbreakers in A.D. 62. One of the criminals is described as “the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James.” What makes this passage authentic is that it lacks Christian terms like “the Lord,” it fits into the context of this section of the Antiquities, and
Dec 15th 2020
Who Do You Say That Christ Is? Finding The Real Jesus Among The Impostors
Please enjoy this excerpt from Counterfeit Christs: Finding The Real Jesus Among The ImpostorsIt was a crisp morning at the University of New Mexico, where I was engaging in pro-life evangelism. At the time, the campus medical school was teaching students how to perform abortions, so the images of aborted children we displayed garnered a fairly hostile response from the campus population. One student’s response still sticks out in my mind.After angrily arguing with us in the morning he returned
Mar 27th 2019